
A proof of concept app using maven, JRuby, and cucumber

Primary LanguageJava

Hello and welcome to this demo.

I came across Cucumber the other day when looking to start a demo project using easyb and was doing research. It looks really cool but I wasn’t completely enamored with it until I saw Ryan’s Beginning with Cucumber and More on Cucumber

After watching both, I loved it! I started a new rails app just to drive right in, I didn’t even have a goal. But then I realized you can run this on Java apps using JRuby and sure enough, led me to JRuby and Java and linked me over to Binil’s blog

So here it is, a simple demo. It uses a simple shopping cart concept with the following Classes:

  • Cart
  • CartItem
  • Product

I’m sure there will be more, but it’s just for learning.

Please let me know if you spot anything that is awful, I’m always looking to improve