
Some redux tooling around creating peer to peer connections

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux peer connection

Build Status

Redux peer connection is a set of redux tools that enable peer to peer connections between two browsers. It uses simple peer under the hood.


  • reducer
  • middleware
  • action creators


Attaching it to the redux store.

import {createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers} from 'redux'
import {createReducer, middleware} from 'redux-peer-connection'

export const configStore = preload => {
  return createStore(
      peer: createReducer('peer') // create reducer with the key of peer
      middleware // add middleware to redux

This should setup a key in your reducer, with some info about the peer connection in it.

Whats info is available

  channel: null, // the channel name eg. 'foo'
  isConnected: false, // the state of the connection
  isInitialized: false, // if a peer was created or not
  offer: null, // RTCPeerConnection.createOffer
  answer: null, // RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer
  data: [], // if data is being passed this will be an array of buffers
  stream: null // if video/audio is being passed this will be the incoming stream

Available action creators

To import action creators.

import {actions} from 'redux-peer-connection'

Creates a peer connection, object passed to this function is then passed to a new instance of SimplePeer

  initiator: true,
  channelName: 'my-p2p-app'

Once somehow getting a signal from other peer. This can be an answer, offer, or ice canidate

  type: 'offer',
  sdp: 'v=0\r\n...'

Once a connection is established, you can send data to the other peer via this method.

actions.sendData('hello, this is peer')


We use standard and make sure to run npm test before making a PR.