The [R]adically [O]pen [M]odeling [A]rchitecture is a platform designed to support the integration of multiple simulation models, which may be running on different servers.

Primary LanguageJava


The [R]adically [O]pen [M]odeling [A]rchitecture is a platform designed to support the integration of multiple simulation models, which may be running on different servers.


ROMA is designed to allow multiple simulation models to be integrated via a common API. ROMA provides functionality to hook different models together an perform tranformations on the data stream between models.

In addition, to running models, ROMA provides:

-- meta data about each individual model -- the ability to store an index prior model runs -- the ability to create new models from an excel spreadsheet

A comprehensive description of this software is available at [1].


[1] J. Introne, R. Laubacher, and T. Malone, “Enabling Open Development Methodologies in Climate Change Assessment Modeling,” IEEE Software, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 56–61, Dec. 2011. (available at http://tinyurl.com/9yxupe6)