
An Ansible role, available via https://galaxy.ansible.com, that creates user accounts on Ubuntu and sets them up for SSH access.

Primary LanguageJinja


An Ansible role, available via Ansible Galaxy, that creates user accounts on Ubuntu and sets them up for SSH access. The following options are configurable:

  • Disallowing SSH password authentication
  • Disallowing root SSH access

This role works with our repo to create a vagrant virtualbox vm, but is easily modifed to work with actual ubuntu boxes.

You'll probably want to amend / override:

  • defaults/main.yml


Preusming a requirements.yml as follows:

# Install a role from GitHub
- name: ansible-role-users
src: https://github.com/jcdarwin/ansible-role-users

We can install the role locally, using a requirements.yml file:

# Install a role from GitHub
- name: ansible-role-users
src: https://github.com/jcdarwin/ansible-role-users
path: roles/

Install the role:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ./roles


You'll need to provide a public key for the public_key variable that can be used to access the box as a given user.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values as found in defaults/main.yml:

# the users to create
# each user gets a /home directory
    - deploy
    - git

# the main group to use when creating the user
user_group: wheel

# the groups the user should belong to
user_groups: ssh,wheel,www-data,sudo

# users in the following groups get SSH access to the machine
# note that the value is space-separated
allow_groups: ssh vagrant

# the public key value to use to allow the user ssh access
public_key: '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'

# do we want to disallow root ssh access?
disallow_root_ssh: true

# do we want to disallow password ssh access?
disallow_password_ssh: true



Example Playbook

Our hosts file, as generated by our repo to create a vagrant virtualbox vm:

host1 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2222 ansible_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file=../.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key

We include a playbook at main.yml.

Running the playbook:

# Note that we're presuming our hosts file has been generated by our vagrant repo
ansible all -m ping -i ../vagrant/ansible/hosts -l all

ansible-playbook -l all main.yml -i ../vagrant/ansible/hosts

# Check that we can access the server
ssh deploy@ -p 2222
sudo -s

Note that after running this playbook you'll have improved security by updating the public key for the user vagrant, but this means you'll no longer be able to vagrant ssh. Instead you'll have to use the following (presuming you've kept the same key in the defaults/main.yml):

ssh vagrant@ -p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa



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