
This is a simple node demonstration of how to log console and debug messages to a file, while having them also appear in the terminal.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this?

This is a simple node demonstration of how to log console and debug messages to a file, while having them also appear in the terminal.

The reason we'd like to to do is because we want to be able to use papertrail's daemon to log messages to a centralised service.


npm install


npm run


This demo runs a simple express server, where a logging.js module is used to provide winston transports to log console messages to a file, and then call the original console globals to log the messages to the terminal.

Note that we can also use the winston-papertrail library to provide a transport to send log information directly to papertrail (in which case we may not need to log to the file).

In the package.json we then ensure that debug generates messages by specifying app in the DEBUG environment variable:

"start": "DEBUG=app,express:* DEBUG_COLORS=false node server.js",

In server.js we require debug, and identify our application as app:

var debug = require('debug')('app')

By binding debug.log to console.info, we direct debug output to console:

debug.log = console.info.bind(console);

Because we've overriden console in our logging module, debug output will therefore end up in the logs/default.log file.

Similary, any console.log, console.info, console.warn, or console.error messages will also be routed to the logs/default.log file.