
angular2-exercise-2-sabagsapir created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageTypeScript

#URL: https://ex2-angular2.firebaseapp.com/

#Submission date: 14/03/2017

Sumbission rules:

all files should be in the github assignment repository. you should include a link to Firebase url in README.md file.


second exercise - using components

exercise 1 summary:

Create angular2 app:

we use my-app as example for an application name $ ng new my-app

$ cd my-app

$ ng serve

goto http://localhost:4200 and see if app works.


$ npm install -g firebase-tools

$ firebase login

$ firebase init

use dist folder as public

$ ng build --prod

$ firebase deploy

Creating new components:

we use cmpnt-name as example for a component name

use the command ng generate component cmpnt-name

you can use the the short command ng g c cmpnt-name

What to do?

Create a new app (don't use the app from exercise 1). Create a new component for app navigation menu. call the component nav-menu. now create a new component again called nav-item. nav menu should include an array of 4 objects, each object represent an item in the navigation menu. (think which properties it should have). the navigation menu template should iterate on the array and make the navigation items, pass the object to nav-item with @Input() decorator. Style the app as you wish.