
A template repository with wiki for a team project at JCE's software engineering course

MIT LicenseMIT


A template repository with wiki for a team project at JCE's software engineering course (replace with the mission of your project).

(See also:rRecommended checklist for a README)

project logo (this one for is taken from basecamp - a project management service)

Tools & Practices

We're trying to use the best tools and practices in order to produce a quality enginneered product. (replace 'jce-il/project-template' with your 'username/repo' and register to the relevant services)

Category Status
Version Control System git & github
Recommended IDE VSCode
Group Chat Join the chat at https://gitter.im/jce-il/project-template
Build Status (CI) Build Status
Dependencies David
License Open Source Love
Test Coverege codecov.io
Code Quality Code Climate
Code Style XO code style
Current Release Current Version
Issues GitHub issues
Project Management Board here
Contributors GitHub contributors
Deployment [Heroku]
Security Known Vulnerabilities
Documnetation Inline docs
Project Course Status ...

Please visit our live application

  • Alright, currently only a landing page...


This project is developed as part of the requirements for a software engineering course at the software engineering department - Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem, Israel.

Please visit our wiki for furthur project info:

User Manual (empty for now)

Project Documents

Iteration Pages