
A set of helper functions for writing shell scripts with python

Primary LanguagePython

Shell Wrap

A simple set of tools for writing shell scripts in python

What this does

Far to much of the world runs on bash shell scripts. A shamefull amount of code, some of which I have contributed to. Shell scripts are just not the best language for most solutions. Python on the other hand is not is a bit more verbose when it comes to directly interacting with commands.

This library hopes to bridge that gap


pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 shellwrap
cd shellwrap
source bin/activate

get clone https://github.com/jceaser/shellwrap.git
cd shellwrap
./run.sh -b -i
python3 example.py


pip3 install https://github.com/jceaser/shellwrap/releases/download/latest-master/shellwrap-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl


Printing in color

from shellwrap import color
color.cprint(color.tcode.green, "Starting script", env)

Calling Unix Commands

from shellwrap import unix
presult = unix.pipe(['echo', 'one', 'two', 'three'], ['wc', '-m'])

	'-H', 'Header: Value',

Reading Files

from shellwrap import file


from shellwrap import interactivity
interactive.interactive(env, g=globals())
interactive.user_commands(handler=process_actions, g=globals())

The function interactivity() will start a python shell with the scope of the globals() as the global for the session. This means that any public methods in the calling file are public in the session allowing for any of them to be run and interacted with. History is remembered.

The function user_commands() is a little different. This ones will prompt the user for commands which are then handled by process_actions(action=None, env:dict=None). This allows the calling function more control over what actions are offered. History is also remembered.

Copyright © 2022 Thomas Cherry. This software is declared to be under the BSD license.