
Swiss Army Knife for intracting with APIs

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sapi is a Swiss Army Knife for interacting with APIs. The goal is to make it easy to get JSON data from APIs for further processing on the CLI.

Currently, sapi supports GitLab's API.


deno install -n sapi --allow-env=P,TOKEN,URL,NODE_ENV --allow-net https://deno.land/x/sapi@v0.0.7/sapi.js


export URL=https://gitlab.com/api/v4
export TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN # Obtain from https://gitlab.com/-/profile/personal_access_tokens
export P=1 # If you want to limit results to one page
# HTTP_METHOD: get post put ...
# RESOURCE: projects, projects/123/repository/branches, etc. See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/api_resources.html
# QUERY_PARAMETER: per_page=1, etc. See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/api_resources.html


List all projects:

sapi get projects | jq .

List one project:

P=1 sapi get projects per_page=1 | jq .

Clone all git repositories:

sapi get projects | jq -r '.[] | (.ssh_url_to_repo, (.path_with_namespace | gsub("/"; "_")))' -c | parallel -N 2 -j 8 git clone
# or with xargs
sapi get projects | jq -r '.[] | (.ssh_url_to_repo, (.path_with_namespace | gsub("/"; "_")))' -c | xargs -n 2 -p 8 git clone

Clone new git repositories:

sapi get projects | jq -r '.[] | (.ssh_url_to_repo, (.path_with_namespace | gsub("/"; "_")))' -c | parallel -N 2 -j 8 'bash -c "[ ! -e {2} ] && git clone {1} {2}"'

Create a new stage branch in all repositories and protect it:

sapi get projects | jq -r '.[].id' -c | parallel -N 1 -- 'sapi post projects/{1}/repository/branches branch=stage ref=main; sapi post projects/{1}/protected_branches name=stage;' | jq .