
Ruby client wrapper for oc tools

Primary LanguageRuby

RbShift usage

Obtaining client

Client object is the starting point of interaction with Openshift, it can be created either by providing bearer token or username and password.

require 'rb_shift/client'

# Getting client with token
cli = RbShift::Client.new 'https.ose3.example.com:8443', bearer_token: 'SomeToken'

# Getting client with username/password
cli2 = RbShift::Client.new 'https.ose3.example.com:8443', username: 'admin', password: 'P@ssw0rd'

Working with projects

All resources in openshift are created and managed in projects.

# Get list of projects
projects = cli.projects

# selecting specific project
my_proj = projects['MyAwesomeProject']

# Delete project without waiting

# Delete project and wait until it disappears
my_proj.delete true

# Create new project
my_proj = cli.create_project 'AwesomeProject'

Creating template and deploying application

# Create template from url
my_proj.create_template 'http://example.com/template.yml'

# Create template from file
my_proj.create_template '/home/user/template.yml'

# Start application from template this will be translated to oc command
# oc new-app template TemplateName --param='param1=Value1' --param='param2=Value2' --env='SOME_VAR=Value3' --group='gr1' --group='gr2'
# This command is blocking
my_proj.new_app 'template', 'TemplateName', block: true, timeout: 30, param: 
    param1: 'Value1',
    param2: 'Value2',
  env: {
   SOME_VAR: 'Value3',
# Start application asynchronously
my_proj.new_app 'template', 'TemplateName'

# Wait for deployments to finish without 

Redeploy component

# Find DeploymentConfig to redeploy
dc = my_proj.deployments['DCName']

# Start deployment asynchronously

# Start deployment and block until it finishes with specified timeout
dc.start_deployment block: true, timeout: 30

Creating route

# Find service to expose
service = my_proj.services['ServiceName']

# Create edge terminated https route (encrypted by default router's certificate)
service.create_route 'Route1', 'route1.example.com'

# Create unencrypted route
service.create_route 'Route2', 'route2.example.com', nil

# Create route encrypted by service's certificate
service.create_route 'Route3', 'route3.example.com', 'passthrough'

# Create route encrypted by custom certificate
service.create_route 'Route4', 'route4.example.com', 'ca-cert': '/home/user/ca.pem', cert: '/home/user/cert.pem', key: '/home/user/key.pem'

Env Variables

Logging related:
