A jQuery plugin making Heros and feature panes easy.
- Customizable
- Play/pause toggle
- Jump to pane buttons
- Keeps HTML clear for search engines
- Animated Timer
- Default panel display if Javascript is not enabled
- Slide Transitions
The Heroize plugin relies on div tags with specific classnames to generate the feature panes.
See the Original Documentation on joelpeterson.com/blog/2011/06/heroize-jquery-plugin/ or check out sampleusage.html for an example of basic usage
The Heroize plugin is highly customizable. You can override the default settings of the plugin by passing parameters
'heroTransitionSpeed': 700, //transition time in miliseconds
'heroTimeDelay': 8000, //panel display length in miliseconds
'heroPlayImg': 'play.png', //path to custom play button
'heroPauseImg': 'pause.png', //path to custom pause button
'heroNextChar': '>' //Character to use in "Next" button
In addition the included CSS file has been clearly marked to easily configure the
- height
- width
- fonts
- opacities
- colors
- text bar properties