A new wordpress theme for my personal website
A theme based on Twenty Sixteen theme with my own custom changes.
I'm using docker as a platform for this project, so if you'd like to use it, please follow the instructions below.
- Make sure you have docker installed on your system (I'm using Ubuntu for this project).
- Make sure you have python installed on your system.
- Make sure your local user is member of the www-data group. $ cat /etc/group | www-data (you should see something like this: www-data:x:33:john)
- Git clone the project.
- $ ./start.sh (Will create some dirs and set up the docker image and container for you)
Edit the files under /starkwp/src
To build the zip file containing the theme files inside the ./starkwp/dist directory:
$ ./starkwp/build.sh
To install the new version of the theme into your wordpress container:
$ ./starkwp/deploy.sh
To build and deploy at the same time:
$ ./starkwp/bd.sh