
A basic example to deploy a Twisted application as a Docker container

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A basic example to deploy a Twisted application as a Docker container


  • Python 2.7
  • Docker 1.9.1 or superior
  • Docker Compose 1.0.6rc2 or superior


The Dockerfile install all necessary requirements to properly run twisted in a *nix environment.

Server Config


Just set an environment variable called ECHO_SERVER_PORT and define a value.

By default, the server will run at the 8000 port.

OBS: If you use Vagrant or other VM environment, assure that the portforwarding is properly configured in order to access the server from the host machine.

Running on Docker

git clone https://github.com/jcfausto/twisted-docker.git
export ECHO_SERVER_PORT=5000
cd twisted-docker/server
docker-compose up -d (it will take some time in the firsr run)

After the image, the container will be started. Check with:

docker ps

When the container starts, just access: and you should see the responder from the echo server.

  • Your docker IP may vary.

Running locally

You also can run the app locally. Follow this steps:

git clone https://github.com/jcfausto/twisted-docker.git
cd twisted-docker
mkvirtualenv twisted-docker #using virtualenvwrapper here.
cd server
pip install -r requirements.txt
export ECHO_SERVER_PORT=5000
twistd --nodaemon --python=run_server.py

Access: http://localhost:5000 and you should see the responder from the echo server.