
Highly scalable html to pdf conversion using phantom workers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#phantom-html-to-pdf NPM Version License Build Status

node.js phantom wrapper for converting html to pdf in scale

Yet another implementation of html to pdf conversion in node.js using phantomjs. This one differs from others in performance and scalability. Unlike others it allocates predefined number of phantomjs worker processes which are then managed and reused using FIFO strategy. This eliminates phantomjs process startup time and it also doesn't flood the system with dozens of phantomjs process under load.

var conversion = require("phantom-html-to-pdf")();
conversion({ html: "<h1>Hello World</h1>" }, function(err, pdf) {

##Global options

var conversion = require("phantom-html-to-pdf")({
	/* number of allocated phantomjs processes */
	numberOfWorkers: 2,
	/* timeout in ms for html conversion, when the timeout is reached, the phantom process is recycled */
	timeout: 5000,
	/* directory where are stored temporary html and pdf files, use something like npm package reaper to clean this up */
	tmpDir: "os/tmpdir",
	/* optional port range where to start phantomjs server */
	portLeftBoundary: 1000,
	portRightBoundary: 2000,
	/* optional hostname where to start phantomjs server */
	host: '',
	/* use rather dedicated process for every phantom printing
	  dedicated-process strategy is quite slower but can solve some bugs
	  with corporate proxy */
	strategy: "phantom-server | dedicated-process",
	/* optional path to the phantomjs binary
	   NOTE: When using phantomjs 2.0, be aware of https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/12685 */
	phantomPath: "{path to phantomjs}"

##Local options

	html: "<h1>Hello world</h1>",
	header: "<h2>foo</h2>",
	footer: "<h2>foo</h2>",
	url: "http://jsreport.net",//set direct url instead of html
	printDelay: 0,//time in ms to wait before printing into pdf
	waitForJS: true,//set to true to enable programmatically specify (via Javascript of the page) when the pdf printing starts (see Programmatic pdf printing section for an example)
	waitForJSVarName: //name of the variable that will be used as a printing trigger, defaults to "PHANTOM_HTML_TO_PDF_READY" (see Programmatic pdf printing section for an example)
	allowLocalFilesAccess: false,//set to true to allow request starting with file:///
	paperSize: {
		format, orientation, margin, width, height, headerHeight, footerHeight
	customHeaders: [],
	settings: {
		javascriptEnabled : true
	viewportSize: {
		width: 600,
		height: 600
	format: {
		quality: 100
}, cb);

##Kill workers

//kill all phantomjs workers when using phantom-server strategy

##Page numbers Use directives {#pageNum} and {#numPages} inside header or footer to add current page number resp. total number of pages.

##Programmatic pdf printing If you need to programmatic trigger the pdf printing process (because you need to calculate some values or do something async in your page before printing) you can enable the waitForJS local option, when waitForJS is set to true the pdf printing will wait until you set a variable to true in your page, by default the name of the variable is PHANTOM_HTML_TO_PDF_READY but you can customize it via waitForJSVarName option.


local options:

	html: "<custom html here>",
	waitForJS: true,
	viewportSize: {
		width: 600,
		height: 600
	format: {
		quality: 100
}, cb);

custom html:

	// do some calculations or something async
	setTimeout(function() {
		window.PHANTOM_HTML_TO_PDF_READY = true; //this will start the pdf printing
	}, 500);

##Further notes You may find some further information and usage examples in the jsreport documentation or try pdf printing in the online playground.

##License See license