OmniAuth AAI strategy
OmniAuth Shibboleth AAI strategy is an OmniAuth strategy for authenticating through SWITCHaai.
- OmniAuth:
- Shibboleth:
- SWITCHaai:
Most functionallity is based on
Getting Started
Install as a gem via Gemfile or with
% gem install omniauth-aai
rails generate aai:setup
This will generate some basic authenthication objects for rails:
- config/initializers/omniauth.rb
- app/controller/sessions_controller.rb
- app/models/user.rb
- db/migrate/_create_aai_user.rb
You can run it with '--persist false' if you don't want to persist the user to the local db.
You'll need to run 'rake db:migrate' afterwards to create the user table.
Additional Shibboleth attributes
By default, you will get all the core SWITCHaai values, or you can configure it via options:
# config/initializer/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :aai,{
:uid_field => :'persistent-id',
:extra_fields => [:'Shib-Authentication-Instant']# See lib/omniauth/strategies/aai.rb for full list.
Fields are provided in the Env as request.env["omniauth.auth"]["info"]["name"] (or and extra_fields attributes are provided as request.env["omniauth.auth"]['extra']['raw_info']['Shib-Authentication-Instant'].
How to authenticate users
Setup your web server to request a valid shibboleth session for the Location/Directory /auth/aai. In your application, send users to '/auth/aai' to have them sign in via the WAYF and your organizations' IdP. After successful login the user gets redirected to '/auth/aai/callback', from where your application should take over again.
SWITCHaai strategy only checks the existence of Shib-Session-ID or Shib-Application-ID, not anything else. See devise or the genrator for further libraries to authenticate user.
Development Mode
In development/local mode or in cases where you don't have a SWITCHaai Service Provider (SP) installed and configured, you can use the following mock (with default SWITCHaai values):
# config/initializer/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
if Rails.env.development?
provider :developer, {
uid_field: :'persistent-id',
fields: [:name, :email, :persistent_id, :unique_id],
extra_fields: OmniAuth::Strategies::Aai::DEFAULT_EXTRA_FIELDS
Debug Mode
When you deploy a new application, you may want to confirm the assumed attributes are correctly provided by SWITCHaai SP. OmniAuth SWITCHaai strategy provides a confirmation option :debug. If you set :debug to true, you can see the environment variables provided at the /auth/aai/callback uri.
# config/initializer/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :aai, { :debug => true }
Current User
In order for you to use the build in User object and the 'current_user' functionality, the has_current_user method has been added to the ApplicationController during the setup.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base