
Software to control a 3-dimensioanl array of LEDs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Python scripts to control a 3-dimensional structure of WS2812b LEDs. Using the Adafruit Fadecandy to control the individual LEDs.

This repositories copies codes from the Fadecandy and the Openpixelcontrol repositories.


Uses Python 3.6.5 (via Pyenv)

This repository probably only works under OS X as it doesn't contain the Linux and Windows binaries / libraries.


Open two terminal windows to run the server and the actual program.


For development, run gl_server:

$ bin/gl_server -l layouts/sunmachines.json

when connected to Hardware, run fcserver-osx

$ bin/fcserver-osx bin/sunmachines.json

The sunmachiens.json file contains the layout of the LEDs (in the layouts directory) or the fcserver configuration (there are currently 5 strands of 50 LEDs each connected to the Fadecandy)

Control Program

Run the python program:

$ python python/experiments.py --layout layouts/sunmachines.json

or the node version

$ cd node
$ node suncontrol.js ../layouts/sunmachines.json