
Primary LanguageKotlin

Movies App

  • This project has been implemented using the Hexagonal Architecture principle.
    • The Domain layer is found in: com.movies.domain
    • The Application layer is found in: com.movies.application
    • The Adapters layer is found in: com.movies.adapters
  • Integration (End to end) tests are located in com.movies.integrationtest package inside the test module (src/main/test).
  • Integration tests run along with the unit tests, they are not run as part of a separate Gradle task

How to execute it:

  • The following Environment Variables must be created with their correponding values:
    export OMDB_SERVICE_URL=http://www.omdbapi.com/ && \
    export OMDB_SERVICE_API_KEY=<<your api key received from OMDb API>>
  • The following Environment Variables have default values in application.yml Spring config file. In case we do want to provide other values, this is an example of how to do it:
    export MOVIES_DB_HOST=localhost && \
    export MOVIES_DB_PORT=5432 && \
    export MOVIES_DB_NAME=test && \
    export MOVIES_DB_SCHEMA=movies
  • This would be a fast way to create a Postgres Database for the Movies App according to the Env Vars listed above:
    docker run --name movies-db-test -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test -e POSTGRES_DB=movies -d postgres:11
  • Run the gradle command in the root folder: ./gradlew bootRun

Please be aware of this:

  • I was not able to implement Swagger Docs due to an unresolved bug that does not allow the latest version of Spring Boot to work fine with Springfox, the library to integrate Spring and Swagger.

  • Please run the tests using IntelliJ IDEA rather than using the Gradle command ./gradlew clean build. There is a problem between the latest version of Junit 5 that somehow only detects the tests located in com.movies.adapters.rest.api.controller. Other tests and the Integration tests will not run by executing ./gradlew clean build, that is why I kindly ask to run the test context using the IDE.

  • Since there is no REST API documentation, these are the endpoints created:

    - An internal endpoint in which they (i.e. the cinema owners) can update show times and prices for their movie catalog
    POST /api/v1/movies/{movieId}/catalog-info
    PUT /api/v1/movies/{movieId}/catalog-info
    - An endpoint in which their customers (i.e. moviegoers) can fetch movie times
    GET /api/v1/movies/{movieId}/catalog-info
    - An endpoint in which their customers (i.e. moviegoers) can fetch details about one of their movies (e.g. name, description, release date, rating, IMDb rating, and runtime). Even though there's a limited offering, please use the OMDb APIs (detailed below) to demonstrate how to communicate across APIs.
    GET /api/v1/movies/{movieId}
    - An endpoint to register a movie
    POST /api/v1/movies
    - An endpoint in which their customers (i.e. moviegoers) can leave a review rating (from 1-5 stars) about a particular movie
    POST /api/v1/movies/{movieId}/ratings/{movigoerId}
    - An endpoint to register a Movigoer
    POST /api/v1/movigoers

    Please refer to tests in com.movies.integrationtest package to get more reference about the endpoints

Technology Stack

  • Kotlin - as main programming language
  • Spring Boot - Web Application framework
  • JUnit5 - as testing library
  • TestContainers - This library is used to spin up a Docker Container containing a PostgreSQL database to be used by the Integration Tests
  • Gradle