

Primary LanguageGo

- GS -

A fast and lightweight scanner


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GS aims to be a fast and lightweight scanner (of several types; port/domain enum). It intends to be a simple tool that can be used on automated scripts and checks; it is possible to get the output formatted as json/xml to ease integration with existing tooling.


As of now, the only way to install GS is from source, so the repo must be cloned and the code compiled. In the future I intend to have multi-arch binary releases available.

$ git clone https://github.com/jcfs/gs ; cd gs
$ make
$ make install


Full option list can be found by running the command gs without any arguments:

Usage: gs [options...] <host>
 -t, --type      <type>  The scan type (domain, port, ...)
 -v, --verbose           Show more information while scanning
 -f, --format    <type>  Report output format (text, json, xml)
 -o, --output    <file>  Write output to file
 -s, --subdomain <data>  The subdomain to test (ie: www,ns1,cloud)
 -w, --wordlist  <file>  The word list to use
 -p, --port      <ports> The port(s) to scan (ex: "1", "1-10", "1,2,3")


There are two types of scans currently supported, the port scan and the subdomain enumeration scan. The port scan will do a connect-scan to the specified ports on the target host. The domain enumeration scan will enumerate all the valid subdomains of a given domain, based on an argument or file list.

There are several report output formats (--format) available: text (default), json and xml.


  • gs localhost - scans the common ports on localhost
  • gs -p 80 localhost - scans port 80 on localhost
  • gs -p 80,81-90,443,8080-9090 localhost scans port 80, 81 to 90, 443 and 8080 to 9090 (the range includes both limits)
  • gs -p 80 -f json localhost - scans port 80 on localhost and outputs the report in json
  • gs -t domain -s www,mail google.com - checks if www or mail are valid subdomains for google.com
  • gs -t domain -w path/to/file google.com - checks all the subdomains on SUBDOMAIN.google.com


GS is pretty fast doing connect scans, we left parallelization parameters not-configurable as we felt no need to tweak them. If there are reports of this need, we can add it in the future without problem.



Feel completely free to contribute in any way you want, we indent to keep GS development as active as possible. Either by submitting pull requests, open issues/feature requests or simply by using it an giving feedback :)