
My training guide (as a lecturer) to the fundamentals of React with presentation slides and examples. Basics start at 1X, will introduce more React related stuff in the future.

Primary LanguageHTML

React 11

Served as training materials for my React lecture series in Sourcepad Intl. under the Training Kaizen. Had fun teaching the fundamentals of React, hopefully someone teaching React as well can reuse/repurpose these slides + examples. Be sure to drill down some of the example projects on each lecture folder to see more code examples/installation guides.


  1. Install Node (>= 8.10). Can be installed in a number of ways: via installer, via brew (if you're on MacOS) or from what I recommend, install it via NVM. This will allow you to switch out Node versions on different projects and isolate environments.
  2. Install npx (if it's not already present). If it's not, run npm install -g npx
  3. And that's it! We'll be using npx to run create-react-app and generate our sample React application(s).

Quick Start

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start