Vim, Tmux, (+ iTerm color scheme) configuration files repository. To be pulled to any server etc.
- Make sure vi/vim is working properly in the console.
- Install Vundle:
- Make sure vi/vim is working properly in the console.
- Install VimPlug:
- Make sure tmux is intalled, install using apt-get or brew if not.
- Move tmux.conf to ~/.config/tmux (tmux sees this)
- Do
tmux source ~/.config/tmux.conf
- Restart bash/zsh
git clone
- iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Colors Tab.
- Open the Color Presets... drop-down in the bottom right corner.
- Select Import... from the list.
- Select the challenger-deep.itermcolors file.
- Select the challenger-deep from Color Presets...
- Install ripgrep
- Install challenger-deep theme manually for tmux and iterm, for neovim it can automatically be installed using vim-plug.