
An unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe using the Minimax algorithm.

Primary LanguageJava

Unbeatable TicTacToe

This project is an exercise for CMSC 170 - Artificial Intelligence in UPLB. It uses own implementations of the minimax and the alpha-beta pruning algorithms in creating an unbeatable AI.


It has three files:

  1. Minimax.java - The Minimax file, where the instance of the GUI is included. The algorithm is also included in the main file.
  2. AlphaBeta.java - The Minimax algorithm with Alpha-beta Pruning applied.
  3. Board.java - The underlying code for the creation of the board, checking for winners, and storing available moves.
  4. GUI.java - Well, for the GUI. Movements for the AI and the player is also here.

Game Screenshots

The AI wins.


The game ends as a draw.
