
A bash script that will update you via email when GIMPS finishes LL tests

Primary LanguageShell

GIMPS notify

A bash script that will update you via email when there are new LL test results in the prime.log file.


You will need to set up your own smtp settings in order to send mail via the terminal. I have used ssmtp on ubuntu but the specifics for your config will depend on your host, a helpful starting point can be found here. You can then update the script to contain your desired To: and From: email adresses.

Place the GIMPS_LL_notify.sh file in the prime folder, the script will look in this location for the prime.log file. Then open a terminal in this directory and run the following:

bash GIMPS_LL_notify.sh & exit

This will run as a background process without needing a dedicated termainal window.

If you want to turn it off run the following, where <pid> is the process id shown in the grep result:

ps -aux | grep GIMPS_LL_notify.sh
sudo kill -9 <pid>