To build a "drop-in" installable zip file to use in Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle): 1. If this is the first time building the project, run the following command to unzip the Eclipse SWT project dependencies into your personal Maven repository: mvn -s settings.xml -P run-once install 2. Refer to the java-ecl-api project to install and build, this will create a binary an install it into your local maven repository. 3. From the spoon-plugins directory (the project root), run the following command to build the individual project components: mvn -s settings.xml install 4. Upon successful execution of the previous step, run the following command to create the distributable zip file: - To build the distribution with no Library support ( mvn -s settings.xml -P create-distribution install - To build the distribution with the ML Library support ( mvn -s settings.xml -P create-distribution-ml install - To build the distribution with the SALT Library support ( mvn -s settings.xml -P create-distribution-salt install - To build the distribution with both SALT & ML Library support ( mvn -s settings.xml -P create-distribution-full install 5. Upon successful execution the file "" will be found in the project's target directory. 6. To install in Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle), unzip the above file into the "data-integration/plugins" directory of the Kettle installation. 7. The directory structure of Kettle should look like this: data-integration/ /plugins /spoon /eclresults eclresults.jar /hpcc-common ecldirect.jar eclgui.jar /properties /jobentries /ecldataset ecldataset.jar /ecldedup ecldedup.jar ... 8. Delete file from the Kettle installation. NOTE: If so desired you may incorporate the Maven settings into your .m2/settings.xml file, eliminating the need to specify this project's settings.xml file on the command line. NOTE: In order to use the SALT features you must obtain a commercial license of SALT, and install SALT on your system please visit for more details. Without SALT installed the SALT features will fail to work.
A set of plugins to interface Pentaho Spoon with HPCC Systems