
Follow the link here to get to my website:

Primary LanguageHTML


PERSONAL WEBSITE, kind of like a personal portfolio. Here I try to discuss my passions, about me, projects, skills, background, and much more. I know I have a long way to go in web development as well since a lot of this isn't very smooth, or as smooth as I would like, since the basic skeleton of this "parallax" effect came from a template. I tried to adjust many things and incorporated other elements, especially to other html pages, and tried using a few APIs special effects/styles to improve visual appeal, though I know I still have a long way to go and lack other powerful styling frameworks in this site.

AS OF APRIL 5th 2018, Domain above using .me has expired so no longer able to access website content!!! Will try to figure out if I want to renew or purchase a domain some other time but not now.

UPDATE AS OF JULY 30th 2018, hosting it on github pages for free now!

Also, in the meantime, I will be moving files around and organizing things into folder so website most likely will not work until the organization part is done. I will also be periodically updating the website in the meantime, so stay tuned for that!