
A python API for iRODS

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Python iRODS Client (PRC)

iRODS is an open-source distributed data management system. This is a client API implemented in python.

Currently supported:

  • Establish a connection to iRODS, authenticate
  • Implement basic Gen Queries (select columns and filtering)
  • Support more advanced Gen Queries with limits, offsets, and aggregations
  • Query the collections and data objects within a collection
  • Execute direct SQL queries
  • Execute iRODS rules
  • Support read, write, and seek operations for files
  • Delete data objects
  • Create collections
  • Delete collections
  • Rename data objects
  • Rename collections
  • Query metadata for collections and data objects
  • Add, edit, remove metadata
  • Replicate data objects to different resource servers
  • Connection pool management
  • Implement gen query result sets as lazy queries
  • Return empty result sets when CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND is raised
  • Manage permissions
  • Manage users and groups
  • Manage resources
  • GSI authentication
  • Unicode strings
  • Python 2.7, 3.4 or newer


PRC requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+. To install with pip:

pip install python-irodsclient


pip install git+https://github.com/irods/python-irodsclient.git[@branch|@commit|@tag]


pip uninstall python-irodsclient

Establishing a connection

>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> sess = iRODSSession(host='localhost', port=1247, user='rods', password='rods', zone='tempZone')

If you're an administrator acting on behalf of another user:

>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> sess = iRODSSession(host='localhost', port=1247, user='rods', password='rods', zone='tempZone', 
           client_user='another_user', client_zone='another_zone')

If no client_zone is provided, the zone parameter is used in its place.

Working with collections

>>> coll = sess.collections.get("/tempZone/home/rods")

>>> coll.id

>>> coll.path

>>> for col in coll.subcollections:
>>>   print col
<iRODSCollection /tempZone/home/rods/subcol1>
<iRODSCollection /tempZone/home/rods/subcol2>

>>> for obj in coll.data_objects:
>>>   print obj
<iRODSDataObject /tempZone/home/rods/file.txt>
<iRODSDataObject /tempZone/home/rods/file2.txt>

Create a new collection:

>>> coll = sess.collections.create("/tempZone/home/rods/testdir")
>>> coll.id

Working with data objects (files)

Create a new data object:

>>> obj = sess.data_objects.create("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
<iRODSDataObject /tempZone/home/rods/test1>

Get an existing data object:

>>> obj = sess.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
>>> obj.id

>>> obj.name
>>> obj.collection
<iRODSCollection /tempZone/home/rods>

>>> for replica in obj.replicas:
...     print replica.resource_name
...     print replica.number
...     print replica.path
...     print replica.status

Reading and writing files

PRC provides file-like objects for reading and writing files

>>> obj = sess.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
>>> with obj.open('r+') as f:
...   f.write('foo\nbar\n')
...   f.seek(0,0)
...   for line in f:
...      print line

Working with metadata

>>> obj = sess.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
>>> print obj.metadata.items()

>>> obj.metadata.add('key1', 'value1', 'units1')
>>> obj.metadata.add('key1', 'value2')
>>> obj.metadata.add('key2', 'value3')
>>> print obj.metadata.items()
[<iRODSMeta (key1, value1, units1, 10014)>, <iRODSMeta (key2, value3, None, 10017)>, 
<iRODSMeta (key1, value2, None, 10020)>]

>>> print obj.metadata.get_all('key1')
[<iRODSMeta (key1, value1, units1, 10014)>, <iRODSMeta (key1, value2, None, 10020)>]

>>> print obj.metadata.get_one('key2')
<iRODSMeta (key2, value3, None, 10017)>

>>> obj.metadata.remove('key1', 'value1', 'units1')
>>> print obj.metadata.items()
[<iRODSMeta (key2, value3, None, 10017)>, <iRODSMeta (key1, value2, None, 10020)>]

Performing general queries

>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> from irods.models import Collection, User, DataObject
>>> sess = iRODSSession(host='localhost', port=1247, user='rods', password='rods', zone='tempZone')
>>> results = sess.query(DataObject.id, DataObject.name, DataObject.size, \
User.id, User.name, Collection.name).all()
>>> print results
| USER_ID | USER_NAME | D_DATA_ID | DATA_NAME     | COLL_NAME                      | DATA_SIZE |
| 10007   | rods      | 10012     | runDoxygen.rb | /tempZone/home/rods            | 5890      |
| 10007   | rods      | 10146     | test1         | /tempZone/home/rods            | 0         |
| 10007   | rods      | 10147     | test2         | /tempZone/home/rods            | 0         |
| 10007   | rods      | 10148     | test3         | /tempZone/home/rods            | 8         |
| 10007   | rods      | 10153     | test5         | /tempZone/home/rods            | 0         |
| 10007   | rods      | 10154     | test6         | /tempZone/home/rods            | 8         |
| 10007   | rods      | 10049     | .gitignore    | /tempZone/home/rods/pycommands | 12        |
| 10007   | rods      | 10054     | README.md     | /tempZone/home/rods/pycommands | 3795      |
| 10007   | rods      | 10052     | coll_test.py  | /tempZone/home/rods/pycommands | 658       |
| 10007   | rods      | 10014     | file_test.py  | /tempZone/home/rods/pycommands | 465       |

Query with aggregation(min, max, sum, avg, count):

>>> results = sess.query(DataObject.owner_name).count(DataObject.id).sum(DataObject.size).all()
>>> print results
| rods         | 10        | 10836     |

Run a Specifc Query (similar to iquest --sql ), using the 0.6.0 additional functionality of reading the iRODS environment files:

>>> import os
>>> import json
>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
>>> from irods.models import Collection, DataObject, Resource
>>> from irods.query import SpecificQuery
>>> def get_session():
...     """
...     establish a session to the iCAT server, using the iRODS environment env_file
...     (MUST use library version >= 0.6.0)
...     evaluate where to get the session information from,
...     return an iRODS session *and* array with irods_environment.json info encoded for later use
...     example decoded irods_environment.json;
...         >>> pprint(ienv)
...         {u'irods_authentication_scheme': u'KRB',
...          u'irods_cwd': u'/DevZone/home/john',
...          u'irods_def_resource': u'wtsiusers',
...          u'irods_home': u'/DevZone/home/john',
...          u'irods_host': u'icat.genomeresearch.ac.uk',
...          u'irods_port': 1247,
...          u'irods_user_name': u'john',
...          u'irods_zone_name': u'DevZone'}
...     """
...     try:
...         env_file = os.environ['IRODS_ENVIRONMENT_FILE']
...     except KeyError:
...         env_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.irods/irods_environment.json')
...     with open(env_file) as data_file:
...         ienv = json.load(data_file)
...     return (iRODSSession(irods_env_file=env_file), ienv)
>>> (SESS, ienv_info) = get_session()
>>> #test session working OK
... col_to_check = "/{}/home/irods".format(ienv_info['irods_zone_name'])
>>> coll = SESS.collections.get(col_to_check)
>>> print coll.id
>>> CompoundResourceTree = "root"
>>> # make specific query
... sql = "select count(*) from r_data_main where resc_name = '{}' and data_is_dirty = '0'".format(CompoundResourceTree)
>>> sql_alias = 'DirtyReplicas{}'.format(CompoundResourceTree)
>>> query = SpecificQuery(SESS, sql, sql_alias)
>>> # register query in iCAT
... query.register()
<irods.message.iRODSMessage object at 0x1face50>
>>> #run the Specific Query
... res_q = SpecificQuery(SESS, alias=sql_alias)
>>> res_q.get_results()
<generator object get_results at 0x1d2e730>
>>> for r in res_q.get_results():
...     print(r[0])