FetchRewards Points API

This project is a web API used for managing users' point balances while keeping track of which partner's points are spent at specific times.


Building this project requires Go to be installed. Please refer to the documentation here for installing the latest version of Go. This project uses 1.15 but the latest version should work fine.

You can run this project two different ways, build the binary and run the binary or just hand the main folder to the go command.

Running from binary

go build cmd/api

Running with the go commaand

go run cmd/api

Specifying the port

You can specify the port in which the server listens by providing an additional integer argument in the run command. The default port is 8090.

go run cmd/api 9090


Run the following command from the project root to run the tests.

go test ./...

Local endpoint testing

Once you start the server you may want to test it out. The following commands exercise most of the API's functionality. You can use these as a starting point.

Initialize transactions

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8090/v1/users/1/points/add \
  -d '{ "payer": "DANNON", "points": 1000, "timestamp": "2020-11-02T14:00:00Z" }'

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8090/v1/users/1/points/add \
  -d '{ "payer": "UNILEVER", "points": 200, "timestamp": "2020-10-31T11:00:00Z" }'

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8090/v1/users/1/points/add \
  -d '{ "payer": "DANNON", "points": -200, "timestamp": "2020-10-31T15:00:00Z" }'

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8090/v1/users/1/points/add \
  -d '{ "payer": "MILLER COORS", "points": 10000, "timestamp": "2020-11-01T14:00:00Z" }'

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8090/v1/users/1/points/add \
  -d '{ "payer": "DANNON", "points": 300, "timestamp": "2020-10-31T10:00:00Z" }'  

Spend points

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8090/v1/users/1/points/spend \
  -d '{
	"points": 5000

Get payer balances

curl -X GET \