
A simple Sails.JS API boilerplate with ACL, JWT auth, and HTML e-mail support baked in

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A boilerplate for the Sails.JS API framework. This particular boiler plate provides a /users endpoint which supports:

  • Creating/updating users
  • Login authentication
  • Password resets via e-mail

Additionally it supports JSON web tokens for ACL policy validation and stateless transactions, as well as hassle free sending of HTML e-mails.


Up and Running

  1. git clone git@github.com:jcharrell/sailsjs-api-boilerplate.git
  2. cd sailsjs-api-boilerplate
  3. npm install (may need sudo).
  4. npm run dev
  5. Accessible at at http://localhost:3000

Errors to handle

1. Unable to check your npm-version:

Sails.js Installation - Error
Unable to check your npm-version

Running this line in your terminal should do the trick: curl -L https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sudo sh

Then try npm install again and sails should install with no errors.

2. -bash: sails: command not found

$ npm run dev
-bash: sails: command not found

You may need to install sails.js globally. If so run this: sudo npm install sails -g


Some configurations will need to be made in order to tailor the API for your own needs.

Project Settings /config/project.js

Project settings include the project title, JSON web token secret, consuming website URL, and the returning URI for password reset e-mails.

Connection Settings /config/connections.js

Database connection settings are defined within connections.js. There are ample examples of defining database connections within the configuration file itself.

Connection details, such as username and password, can and are overridden in environment specific configuration files which are located in /config/env/*.js.

Model Settings /config/models.js

The model settings define the connection to be used for the project, as well as the data migration method. See Connection Settings for more information on defining connections.

Policy Settings /config/policies.js

Policy settings define ACL policies for each controller within the API. Policies have been defined and configured for the existing UserController controller. In order to create or modify existing policies, see /api/policies.

Email Settings /config/email.js

This consists of the nodemailer transporter settings. By default, the boilerplate API utilizes a SMTP pool to deliver e-mails.


####Postman Collection Included is a Postman collection, with example requests to the /users API endpoint, which is located at /sails-boilerplate-api.json.postman_collection.

To import a collection into Postman, ensure that the Collections tab, in the top left, is selected. To the right of that tab, choose the Import Collection icon. Simply drag the collection file to the import modal or browse to the collection directly.

####Sails Documentation Documentation specific to the Sails.js framework may be found here.