A community-driven collection of awesome Luerl compatible libraries.
Navigation, Decision-Making and AI Libraries
Entity Managing Libraries
- tiny-ecs - Entity Component System for Lua that's simple, flexible, and useful
Library bundles, that provide reuseable functions
- luafun - A high-performance functional programming library for Lua
- lume - Collection of functions for Lua, geared towards game development
- moses - Functional programming utility belt, inspired by Underscore.js
- beholder - Minimal observer pattern for Lua, with a couple twists
- schema - A simple package to check Lua-data against schemata
- tamale - An Erlang-style pattern-matching library for Lua
- utf8 - Provides UTF-8 aware string functions implemented in pure Lua
- klua-string - A Korean string library for Lua
- chroma - Simple colour text printing for ANSI compatible terminals
Math specific Libraries
- vector.lua - A simple vector library based on the PVector class from processing.org
Object Orientation Libraries
- 30log - Minimalist OOP library with basic classes, inheritance, and mixins in 30 lines.
- middleclass - Simple but robust OOP library with inheritance, methods, metamethods, class variables and mixins.
Serialization Libraries
- JSON - JSON encoder/decoder implemented in pure Lua.