Layer on top of
to handle a few PGP use cases.
// Create public key entity
publicKeyPacket, _ := pgp.GetPublicKeyPacket([]byte(TestPublicKey))
pubEntity, _ := pgp.CreateEntityFromKeys(publicKeyPacket, nil)
// Encrypt message
encrypted, _ := pgp.Encrypt(pubEntity, []byte(TestMessage))
// Create private key entity
privEntity, _ := pgp.GetEntity([]byte(TestPublicKey), []byte(TestPrivateKey))
// Decrypt message
decrypted, _ := pgp.Decrypt(privEntity, encrypted)
// Create private key entity
entity, _ := pgp.GetEntity([]byte(TestPublicKey), []byte(TestPrivateKey))
// Sign message
signature, _ := pgp.Sign(entity, []byte(TestMessage))
// Create public key packet
pubKeyPacket, _ := pgp.GetPublicKeyPacket([]byte(TestPublicKey))
// Verify signature
err = pgp.Verify(pubKeyPacket, []byte(TestMessage), signature)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Signature verified.")