Home (Energy) Monitoring System
A DIM (do-it-myself) project...
I want a cheap generic IoT edge device with local analytical features.
Come to mind:
- MQTT broker
- logrotate
- influxDB
- mqtt2influxdb
- zigbee2mqtt (smart plugs)
- emonHub (RF2mqtt)
- mqtt-wifi-relay (to pilot the heater)
- 1wire2mqtt (temperature and reeds relays)
- grafana (from influxdb)
- nginx (reverse proxy grafana with encryption and authentication)
- letsencrypt (certs management)
- davis2mqtt (weather station)
- inverter2mqtt (WKS)
- bms2mqtt (pylontech)
- collectd (2influxdb)
- ...
I guess an Alpine Linux running in RUN-FROM-RAM mode will fit the bill as operating system. If not, I will use some Debian derivative.
Will do a first run from a custom APKOVL and as podman's pod, both on x86 hardware. I have a dozen such x86(_64) boxes lying around from previous project...
Later on, I will try on Raspberry Pi and other ARM boards I have at the lab (the famous "Armada")...
I would love to add prediction capabilities based on forecasts, previous readings adapted to weather conditions and time of year...
At this time of writing, some sensors are deployed, some still lying in boxes and most not ordered or delivered yet!
What is already in place:
- EmonPi (Raspberry Pi 3 + RF + WiFi + ehernet + USB) (soon usb2zigbee, usb21wire, usb2rs485 (modbus))
- EmonTh (arduino + RF)
- EmonTx x4 (arduino + RF)
- Davis weather station (ethernet)
- Inverter WKS (USB)
- Wifi MQTT relay
- Toon (WiFi)
What exists but is to be activated:
- (USB21wire)
- (zigbee2mqtt)
- (USB2RS485-modbus)
- (Pylontech BMS)
- (wind turbine)
- (wind turbine MPPT)
What is ordered but not delivered yet:
- zigbee smart plugs
- linky TIC modules (usb and zigbee)
- Long infrared heating panels
what is whished:
- environemental Davis sensors fully deployed
- window opening zigbee detectors
- more zigbee smart plugs or electric board relays
- zigbee sensors and meters
- zibbee actuators
- rain water storage and filter
- biomethane producing compost
As a matter of fact, We currently have only a single relay to pilot. It is used to drive the central heating sytem. This is done via a linux cron job that periodically reads some values from the timeserie database, compute some decision tree and publish an on/off value to MQTT. The autonomous Wi-Fi relay subscribe to that MQTT topic and acts accordingly meanwhile reporting its state and other measurements to the remote MQTT broker.
I plan to drive the new infrared heater panels with a similar approach, not relying to any third party home automation software.
The only usage I forsee so far for such home automation package is ease to acces to some predefined dashboards. I do not think this is enough to deploy such solution(s)...
I would love to add sensors and actuators but lack usefull ideas (or hardware) where automation makes sense for the rented home I live!