
iOS app developed back in Summer 2016 (only contains the main source codes)

Primary LanguageSwift

Refined Random Word Generator, aims to inspire one to come up with new ideas, and helps them to think out of the box by displaying categorical random words and pictures.

The different thing about this app is that the generated words are not blindly chosen from a dictionary. We have tried to refine words as much as possible and get rid of words that are not inspiring. Furthermore, we have classified the words in several categories to fit the specific needs of every user.

However, since merely seeing a word might not suffice, we generate a random image as the background so that it can relate to the five words appeared on the screen and gives the user potential ideas.

The App is available on the App Store https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1163582348&mt=8