
CollectD plugin for Kong API Gateway

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kong CollectD Plugin

A collectd plugin for aggregating and reporting metrics made available by the kong-plugin-signalfx status endpoint. It is intended to be run within the collectd-python embedded interpreter.


collectd-kong and its dependencies can be installed within a system Python's site-packages, but to reduce the potential for dependency conflicts and to account for the collectd embedded interpreter's
packaging limitations, using pip's --target option and a standalone package directory is recommended:

git clone https://github.com/signalfx/collectd-kong.git
mkdir /opt/collectd-plugin
pip install --target /opt/collectd-plugin collectd-kong/
pip install --target /opt/collectd-plugin/kong -r collectd-kong/requirements.txt
cp collectd-kong/kong_plugin.py /opt/collectd-plugin/kong_plugin.py


Kong Admin API connectivity settings and desired aggregation and reporting configurations are specified similar to other Python collectd plugins

LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/opt/collectd-plugin/kong"
  ModulePath "/opt/collectd-plugin"
  LogTraces true
  Import "kong_plugin"
  <Module kong_plugin>
    URL "https://my_kong_server:8443/signalfx"
    AuthHeader "Authorization" "Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
    CABundle "/path/ca_bundle/"
    VerifyCerts true
    ClientCert "/path/client.cert"
    ClientCertKey "/path/client.key"
    Metric "request_latency" false
    Metric "request_size" false
    Metric "response_size" true
    Metric "upstream_latency" true
    ReportHTTPMethods true
    ReportStatusCodes true
    ReportStatusCodeGroups false
    ReportRouteIDs true
    ExtraDimension "my_custom_indentifier" "012abcABC"
    Interval 20
    Verbose true

For any Kong object that has had kong-plugin-signalfx registered via the Admin API, metrics will be made accessible to the /signalfx status endpoint.

Metric Metric directive first value Description Default reporting value
counter.kong.connections.accepted "connections_accepted" Total number of all accepted connections. false
counter.kong.connections.handled "connections_handled" Total number of all handled connections (accounting for resource limits). false
counter.kong.kong.latency "kong_latency" Time spent in Kong request handling and balancer (ms). false
counter.kong.requests.count "total_requests" Total number of all requests made to Kong API and proxy server. true
counter.kong.requests.latency "request_latency" Time elapsed between the first bytes being read from each client request and the log writes after the last bytes were sent to the clients (ms). true
counter.kong.requests.size "request_size" Total bytes received/proxied from client requests. true
counter.kong.responses.count "response_count" Total number of responses provided to clients. true
counter.kong.responses.size "response_size" Total bytes sent/proxied to clients. true
counter.kong.upstream.latency "upstream_latency" Time spent waiting for upstream response (ms). true
gauge.kong.connections.active "connections_active" The current number of active client connections (includes waiting). false
gauge.kong.connections.reading "connections_reading" The current number of connections where nginx is reading the request header. false
gauge.kong.connections.waiting "connections_waiting" The current number of idle client connections waiting for a request. false
gauge.kong.connections.writing "connections_writing" The current number of connections where nginx is writing the response back to the client. false
gauge.kong.database.reachable "database_reachable" kong.dao:db.reachable() at time of metric query false

Aggregating these Kong object-level metrics as collectd metric values is done by defining desired context groups. The reported request/response context group granularity for these metrics' time series is provided via dimensions, which will be included for each target aggregation group whose membership is determined by configurable Report* boolean directives:

Directive SFx dimension Description Default reporting value
ReportAPIIDs api_id The UUID assigned to each API object upon creation true
ReportAPINames api_name The optional, user-created name assigned to API objects (recommended) true
ReportServiceIDs service_id The UUID assigned to each Service object upon creation true
ReportServiceNames service_name The optional, user-created name assigned to Service objects (recommended) true
ReportRouteIDs route_id The UUID assigned to each Route object upon creation (recommended) true
ReportHTTPMethods http_method The HTTP method of each request made to the Kong proxy true
ReportStatusCodeGroups status_code The HTTP status code group (e.g. 4xx) for each proxy server fielded request (recommended) true
ReportStatusCodes status_code The HTTP status code for each fielded request false

With the exception of ReportStatusCodeGroups, each of the Report* directives has an associated white and blacklist for fine tuning the desired dimensions to include with each datapoint by an arbitrary number of unix filename patterns. By utilizing these lists kong-plugin-signalfx can be enabled globally, but only a near minimum of time series will be created for closely monitoring a select number of object and response contexts without losing the ability to monitor the system as a whole.

Directive Description
APIIDs The pattern(s) of API IDs to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
APIIDsBlacklist The pattern(s) of API IDs to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints
APINames The pattern(s) of API Names to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
APINamesBlacklist The pattern(s) of API Names to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints
ServiceIDs The pattern(s) of Service IDs to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
ServiceIDsBlacklist The pattern(s) of Service IDs to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints
ServiceNames The pattern(s) of Service Names to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
ServiceNamesBlacklist The pattern(s) of Service Names to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints
RouteIDs The pattern(s) of Route IDs to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
RouteIDsBlacklist The pattern(s) of Route IDs to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints
HTTPMethods The pattern(s) of HTTP methods to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
HTTPMethodsBlacklist The pattern(s) of HTTP methods to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints
StatusCodes The pattern(s) of status codes to add as dimensions for applicable datapoints
StatusCodesBlacklist The pattern(s) of status codes to not report as dimensions for applicable datapoints

Directive values are case sensitive and blacklists will always take precedence over matching whitelist values. Please note that ReportStatusCodeGroups and ReportStatusCodes may not be specified at the same time, but whitelisted HTTP status codes can be used in tandem with the ReportStatusCodeGroups directive. This allows reporting metics associated with specific codes, while not including them with the Nxx group aggregation.

As an example, here is a collectd configuration file for a globally monitored Kong system and aggregation by desired routes, HTTP methods, and status codes:

LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/opt/collectd/kong"
  LogTraces true
  Import "plugin"
  <Module plugin>
    URL "http://my_kong_server:8001/signalfx"
    ReportHTTPMethods false
    HTTPMethods "PATCH" "DELETE"
    ReportStatusCodes false
    ReportStatusCodeGroups true
    StatusCodes 419 500
    ReportRouteIDs false
    RouteIDs "689ab4ac-eef0-418e-b4c1-e32f1fa80032"
    RouteIDs "ca97d13f-9ab1-49fe-8184-092d66263598"

In this case no http_method dimensions will be reported other than "PATCH" and "DELETE" and no non-grouped status_code dimensions will be reported other than 419 and 500. Similarly, no route_id dimensions will be provided for any Route other than the two desired. All other aggregated metric reporting will follow the default directive values.

There are also optional configuration directives for general behavior and Kong Admin API connectivity:

Directive Description Default
URL The URL to reach the kong-plugin-signalfx status metrics. "http://localhost:8001/signalfx"
AuthHeader The name and value of a header to be passed with GETs to the URL None
VerifyCerts Whether to verify the ssl certificates for HTTPS requests to the URL true
CABundle Path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with certificates of trusted CAs when VerifyCerts is true None
ClientCert Client side certificate to use for HTTPS requests to the URL None
ClientCertKey Separate client side certificate key if not included with cert file None
Interval How often, in seconds, Kong metrics are obtained. None, inherits collectd setting
Verbose Whether to emit lower level metric collection and processing statements to the LogFile plugin false