This repository contains supporting resources for a workshop on migrating Node.js Express applications to MongoDB Realm.
While the high level steps are outlined here, please see the MERN Stack Evolved workshop document for the details of each step.
In this step you will provision an Atlas cluster named Todo and a Realm application named Todo.
See the Step 1 of the workshop document for detailed instructions.
In this step we download and fire up the front-end.
git clone todo-app
cd todo-app
npm install
nodemon start
Note, the UI will take several seconds to load because it's looking for a back-end that doesn't yet exist.
See the Step 2 of the workshop document for detailed instructions.
If you don't have and are not inclined to install git
and npm
, you have the option to complete the workshop in an on-line IDE such as CodeSandbox.
In this step we implement that API to create a todo. Create a Realm Service named Todo and an Incoming Webhook named add with the following function code:
exports = function(payload, response) {
var todo = {};
var result = {};
if (payload.body) {
// Parse the body to get the todo document...
todo = EJSON.parse(payload.body.text());
console.log("Parsed Payload body: ", JSON.stringify(todo));
// Get a reference to the todos database and collection...
var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("todos").collection("todos");
// Insert the new todo...
return collection.insertOne(todo);
return result;
See the Step 3 of the workshop document for detailed instructions.
In this step we implement the API that lists the todos (and we'll be able to see the todo created earlier in our app).
Add a new Incoming Webhook named todos to the existing Todo Realm Service with the following function:
exports = async function(payload, response) {
var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("todos").collection("todos");
var todos = await collection.find().toArray();
// Convert the ObjectIds to strings...
todos.forEach(todo => {
todo._id = todo._id.toString();
return todos;
See the Step 4 of the workshop document for detailed instructions.
In this step we implement the final APIs that allows us to edit the todos. This step introduces a wrinkle, because the client uses a path parameter, but Realm doesn't yet support path parameters. As a workaround, we’ll simply pass this value as an argument to the webhook.
There are two APIs associated with this component: one to load the todo to edit and another to update the todo with the changes.
Add a new Incoming Webhook named edit to the existing Todo Realm Service with the following code:
exports = function(payload, response) {
const id = || '';
console.log ("Id received = " + id);
var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("todos").collection("todos");
return collection.findOne({_id:BSON.ObjectId(id)});
See the Step 5 - Load Todo of the workshop document for detailed instructions.
Add a new Incoming Webhook named update to the existing Todo Realm Service with the following code:
exports = function(payload, response) {
var todo = {};
var result = {};
if (payload.body) {
// Parse the body to get the todo document...
todo = EJSON.parse(payload.body.text());
console.log("Parsed Payload body: ", JSON.stringify(todo));
var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("todos").collection("todos");
console.log("todo_id: ", todo.todo_id);
// Update the todo...
return collection.updateOne({_id:BSON.ObjectId(todo.todo_id)}, {$set: todo});
return result;
See the Step 5 - Update Todo of the workshop document for detailed instructions.
In this step, the build is optimized for deployment. See the React documentation on deployment for more information.
$ npm run build
In this step you'll enable Realm Static Hosting and upload the contents of the build directory,
See the Step 2 - Deploy the Front-end of the workshop document for detailed instructions.