A boilerplate geared towards building React-focused NPM packages. Supports webpack packaging, babel-preset-env transpilation, eslint-based linting, and the AVA test runner, pre-configured with JSDOM, Sinon, and Enzyme. Intentionally simple and straightforward.
npm run test
to see the AVA testing infrastructure test a simple React component using JSDOM, Sinon, and Enzyme.
See the package.json
for all the npm run
The Babel config is located in the package.json
and uses the following presets
and plugins:
- Stage-0
- React
- Decorators-legacy
The ESLint config is also in package.json
and uses the following configs:
- Standard
- Standard-react
The unit testing config includes the following:
- AVA test runner, with an optional watch mode.
- One Babel config for both source and tests.
- Enzyme rendering, with JSDOM ready to go.
- Sinon