
Repository for the saas engineering homeworks

Primary LanguageRuby


#Repository for the saas engineering homeworks We are using Cloud9 as a main development environment for doing the homeworks and the final project. However, you are free to use any other technologies, operating systems or any software needed to complete the homeworks. ##Setting up Cloud9:

  1. Create and login to a free account on Cloud9 and select "Create a New Workspace". (Pro tip: if you don't already have a free account on GitHub, create that first, since you'll need one anyway, and you can then use your existing GitHub account credentials to login to Cloud9.)
  2. Click "Create a new workspace" and use the following options for your new workspace:
  • Workspace name and Description - anything you like
  • Hosted Workspace (not Remote SSH workspace)
  • Private or Public: your choice
  • Clone from Git or Mercurial: leave blank
  • Choose a template: select Blank Workspace (do not select "Rails" or "Ruby on Rails tutorial" or anything like that) *Then click Create.
  1. Finally, setup a public ssh keypair in your Cloud9 instance and add those keys to GitHub. Note: if the "clip" command to copy the SSH key to your clipboard in Step 4 of the GitHub instructions fails for you, then do this:
  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"
  • cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • This displays the contents of the file on the terminal. You can then select and copy the entire content starting from "ssh-rsa" including the key up to "your_email@example.com".
  1. Fork the following repository: fcyt-saas-2016
  • Createa a fork from the repository mentioned above and clone it.
  • You will be pushing changes to that repository for the homeworks

Setting up CodeAnywere

#Homework 1: ##Install dependencies:

  1. run bundle install (If it complains about the ruby version, edit the Gemfile and change the version number)
  2. If that does not work, run gem install rspec to install the rspec gem to run the unit tests.

##1. String manipulation.

  • a) Define a validate_email? method that takes an string as a parameter representing an email and return a boolean that represents if the parameter is a valid email. You should use a regular expression to validate the string since it will reduce the amount of work needed for the validation. Note: Run the rspec test and make sure that the test passes before submitting the code: $ rspec -e '#validate_email?' spec/part1_spec.rb
  • b) Implement a method is_palindrome? That returns true if a word or a phrase is palindrome: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindrome Note: Run the rspec test and make sure that the test passes before submitting the code: $ rspec -e '#is_palindrome?' spec/part1_spec.rb

##2. Arrays and Hashes.

  • a)Define a method max_sum_of_2 that takes 2 integer arrays as parameters, calculates the sum of all the elements of each array and returns the maximum number. If the maximum are the same, print a message saying “sums are equal” and return 0. For example: max_sum_of_2([2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]) should return 9 and max_sum_of_2([2, 6, 4], [3, 9]) should print the message and return 0. Note: Run the rspec test and make sure that the test passes before submitting the code: $ rspec -e '#max_sum_of_2' spec/part2_spec.rb
  • b)Define a method word_frequency that takes an array of words as a parameter and return the most frequently word (The word with the largest amount of occurrences in the array). If 2 or more words have the max frequency, return any of them. Note: Run the rspec test and make sure that the test passes before submitting the code: $ rspec -e '#word_frequency' spec/part2_spec.rb

##3. Object Oriented Programming Define a class FileAnalizer that has the following:

  • Attributes:

    • file_name: An string containing the file name.
    • total_lines: An integer
  • Methods:

    • calculate_total_lines => calculates the total number of lines of the file and assigns it to the total_lines varible.
    • max_word_line => Returns an Array that contains that max frequency word for each line. (You can reuse the method implemented before)