
This is my swipe at doing graph traversal on the cheap. I've made a number of choices to be code verbose and let the compiler clean it all up. I'm a right-brained person so I need to visualize my problems sometimes so there's extra code for that.

There is also data normalization code I felt was necessary because production and so there are good and bad data sets in the commit.

Quick Start

You can download a compiled jar file from my Dropbox

To use or test this project, you can take the following steps:

git clone
cd euler107
java -cp euler_p107.jar EdgeDetector

The main executable assumes the data ('p107_network.txt') is in the working path. You can provide either a full path or a bare word as an argument to provide alternate datasources. You can test this with some included bad input data.

java -cp euler_p107.jar EdgeDetector p107_network_bad.txt


This project is a single class with a bare (default) package. To compile the project, take the following steps:

git clone
cd euler107
javac src/
java -cp src/ EdgeDetector