The goal of this project is to analyze a social media network, given a node-edge dataset. Specifically, we wanted to find a profile (node) with the most connections (edges) with other profiles in a given network graph using DFS, Betweenness Centrality, and Page Rank algorithms.
Project Proposal | Project Presentation Video |
- Ensure that you are in the root directory.
./main [input_dataset_path] [number_of_nodes] [output_file_name]
Run Facebook Network Analysis: ./main dataset/facebook_combined.txt 4039 [output_file_name]
Output file will be located in output directory with the name inputted.
make test
tests with all sample datasetsdfs
tests with all sample datasetsbetweenness
test betweenness centrality algorithmpagerank
test pagerank algorithm
Running Tests with Argument Example: ./test [parse]
- Simple one connected component undirected graph 'one-connected.txt' (7 Nodes, 14 Edges)
- Simple two connected component undirected graph 'two-connected.txt' (8 Nodes, 14 Edges)
- One connected component undirected graph with many nodes 'one-connected-many-nodes.txt' (50 Nodes, 98 Edges)
- Simple undirected graph with one node disconnected 'one-node-disconnected.txt' (7 Nodes, 13 Edges)
- Simple Disconnected Components undirected graph 'many-disconnected.txt' (9 Nodes, 2 Edges)
- All nodes disconnected undirected graph 'disconnected-many-nodes.txt' (100 Nodes, 0 Edges)