Serverless Django App

This project is a typical serverless architecture you can easily find from google. I made this just for my records. So I didn't add fancy front magic.

note: I used CDC API for covid distribution data


Zappa is a system for running "serverless" Python web applications using AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway. It handles all of the configuration and deployment automatically. To run it, it requires zappa_settings.json



Do followings to run the django app: setup virtual env:

virtualenv -p python venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create zappa_settings file

zappa init

Add your own env file (see the template)

vim .env

make sure your django server is running

python runserver

go to and see your portal is up

*Note: To use psycopg2, you need to use option -t to make extract lib in the project.

pip install psycopg2-binary -t .

However, if you use python version 3.7, you may need to copy the following files to the psycopg2 folder from



If your page is up run following command. It will give you new url

zappa deploy dev

After the update your codes, the run

zappa update dev