
CoronavirusApp is a simple app to track the spread of Coronavirus in the World. It contains one simple view which present world statistics (total cases, total deaths, total recovered and total active cases) in form of Circular Progress Bar.

Country statistics are presented in form of List. You can sort data in descending/ascending order via tapping on the chosen data in a List header.



CoronavirusApp contains Podfile and Pods Folder, so you can run it immediately after cloning or downloading from the GitHub.

Using Git Clone

# Clones a repository to your computer
git clone

Using Download Option

Open a repository main page. Click a green "Clone or Download" button and choose "Download Zip" option. Unpack the downloaded file.


Open the terminal, go to the CoronavirusApp folder. Use the dependency manager CocoaPods to update pods of CoronavirusApp. After that use command attached below to run project.

# Update pods in CoronavirusApp
pod update
# Run project
open -a Xcode CoronavirusApp.xcworkspace


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
