
Discord bot for URN Network

Primary LanguagePython

Patching usage: If updates are needed to the database (such as table creation) or application needs to be shutdown: 1) use /shutdown command (requires ownership) 2) run database change commands 3) git pull (if needed) 4) run unix command "nohup python3 bot.py &" 5) monitor output via "less nohup.out"

If no updates are needed to the database and all changes are contained to cogs/ folder:
	1) git pull
	2) monitor changes using "less nohup.out"
	3) use /restart command

Transparency Due to the nature of this group, newly formed with limited to no affiliation to other members, my aim is to be fully transparent on records and data to empower users to be able to question this system to form a bond of trust.

My method for doing this is implementing permissions to allow anyone to read any and all data created by the bot in various forms and views.


Technical Info This bot application was made in python3 using the pycord library and (currently) json files (transitioning to sqlite3) as the database system. Builtin python libraries used: os - getting environment variables copy - for deepcopies datetime - common datetime functionality pathlib - use for config and getdata commands json - use for config and getdata commands

Python dependancies are:
pycord - Python Discord API wrapper
pycord-multicog - pycord extention to split command groups into multiple cogs
python-dotenv - allows us to store secrets in environment, ignoreing the .env file to share code without sharing secrets (https://12factor.net/config)
pytz - Functionality for datetime timezones
aiosqlite - Non blocking wrapper for sqlite-python interfacing
tzdata - python for IANA time zone database

Dependencies can be installed through pip https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/cli/pip_install/

SQLite has WAL mode enabled to allow concurrent read/writes (https://www.sqlite.org/walformat.html)

Helpful links on pycord development from the following:


There will be three tiers of Users; Guests, Members, and Administrators.
	Guests - Will only be able to read bot configuration 
	Members - Will have common use abilities of the bot to function normally, most functions outside of reading data will need to be ran in acceptable channels (hereby known as 'public channels'), which are defined in the config
	Admin - Will have ability to edit and potentially delete existing data, these commands can only be performed in chat channels with the member role able to see message history. Users will be able to read command logs in case of deleted commands/config changes.

At this time all commands will be logged. All commands will be self referenced (no one can clock in for another user) except for some admin functions

Permissions commonly come in the form of an acronym CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete.) I'll split functionality by these components.

I'll try to provide consise information on each model currently available (Config, Activity, Session, Historical):
(All Models): 
	Read: All users (for config) and all members+ (for higher permissions functions, essentially all but config) can read all models of data and will return an ephemeral (invisible to others) message, unless provided an optional parameter to be public. 
	Create: Must be ran in public channels, non-ephemeral
	Delete: Must be ran in public channels, non-ephemeral
	Edit: Must be ran in public channels, non-ephemeral

	Consists of the following values: Role required for higher permission functions, and "public channel" information.
	Read: All users. Only function allowed for all Users in all guild channels, but not DMs
	Create: Disabled - Bot managed
	Delete: Disabled - Bot manditory
	Edit: Admins 

	Read: All members 
	Create: (aka 'clockin') All members
	Delete: (aka 'clockout') All members - bot managed on session end command
	Edit - CharacterName: All members
	Edit - Starttime: Admins
	Read: All members
	Create: (aka startsession) All members
	Delete: (aka endsession) All members
	Edit - Sessionname: All members
	Edit - Starttime: Admins
Activity Historical:
	Read: All members
	Create: Disabled - Bot managed
	Delete: Disabled. Maybe admins in public channels?
	Edit: Admins

Session History (In development):
	Read: All members
	Create: Disabled
	Delete: Disabled
	Edit: Disabled
Clear Out History (aka you got an urn, In development, transitioning from historical info):
	Read: All members
	Create: All members
	Delete: Admins
	Edit: Admins

Peeping Functions (aka other group has camp, allows communcation on who has kept track of their camp in a silent method):
	Read: (aka whopeeped) All members
	Create: (aka ipeeped) All members
	Delete: Disabled - Bot managed
	Edit: Disabled - No need recreate peep

Camp Queue (In development):
	Read: All members
	Create: All members
	Delete: All members
	Edit: All members
Command History (In development):
	Read: All members
	Create: Disabled - Bot managed
	Delete: Disabled
	Edit: Disabled

Export Functionality (In development):
	Read: All members
	Create: Disabled
	Delete: Disabled
	Edit: Disabled