
An assortment of astrophysical codes mainly for analysis of circumgalactic medium observations.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This is a public release of python codes commonly used for astrophysical reserach by Rongmon Bordoloi. This package is constantly under development and will be periodically updated.

Add this folder to your pythonpath and you are good to go.

Dependencies: astropy, lmfit, scipy, numpy, matplotlib, linetools

Partial Dependencies: PysimpleGUI for some GUIs.

The GUIs folder contains several graphical user interfaces for astrophysics.

1) rb_cont.py :  A simple interactive continuum fitter. 

2) rb_spec.py :  An absorption line analysis pipeline. Allowing to create an object from an 1D 
                 spectrum do continuum fitting, measure equivalenth widths/column densities and
                 save the final data and measurements. Also allows the fitting of a simple Voigt profile. 

3) rb_interactive_vpfit_singlet.py : Interactive simple Voigt profile fitter [used with rb_spec.py]
                                    [ Look for rbvfit github repository for an interactive Voigt 
                                    profile fitter, suited for any complex profiles.]

4) rb_plot_spec.py:  To plot 1D spectrum, smooth, pan, zoom and explore spectrum. Allows to plot
                     absorption lines at any redshifts, and do simple equivalent width and Gaussian
                     fitting. My version of x_specplot routine. Now updated to plot multiple absorbers
                     and load previously identified absorbers. 
5) abstools: A complex absorption line analysis GUI to simultaneously continuum fit and 
	     measure EW/logN of several absorption lines. This is under GUIs/abstools. 
	     Look up readme file in that folder for a working example.

The IGM folder contains several python routines for intergalactic medium and circumgalactic medium calculations.

1) compute_EW.py :  Compute equivalent width and column densities of any absorption/emission lines.

2) rb_setline.py :  For any given rest frame wavelength find corresponding atomic transition and 
                    the fvalues. [Can find any line nearest to the input wavelength].

3) rb_iter_contfit.py : Iteratively fit [with sigma clipping] continuum to a small slice of 1D
                        spectrum using Legendre polynomials.

4) rb_specbin.py  :  Rebin 1D spectrum to increase S/N

5) ransac_contfit.py : Powerful hybrid continuum fitter. Initial fit is done by an automated ransac 
                       algorithm, then allows user to tweak the fit using linetools.fit_continuum 
                       routine. Saves the fitted continuum and the 1D spectrum as a xspectrum1D object
                       Very helpful to fit a full quasar continuum.	

The halo folder contains modules to compute NFW halo profiles

   1) rb_nfw.py      : Compute NFW halo profile

   2) mstar2mhalo.py : Convert stellar mass to Halo mass using Moster et al. 2010.

The stat folder contains several statistical codes:

   1) rb_wilsonscore.py :  Wilsonscore confidence intervals.

   2) rb_boot.py        :  Bootstrap function

The utils folder contains several utility modules:

  1) rb_utility.py     :  Several utility functions

  2) rb_x1d_id.py      : This function will read all HST/COS x1d fits files in a folder and print out
                         the header info for raw spectra. It will print filename, exposure type, 
                         and object type entries from the header.

  3) readmultispec.py  : Read IRAF (echelle) spectrum in multispec format from a FITS file. Can read 
                         most multispec formats including linear, log, cubic spline, Chebyshev or 
                         Legendre dispersion spectra. I got this code from https://github.com/kgullikson88/General.