
A simple C# class library to help manage running a queue of tasks without relinquishing control.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NuGet Version NuGet

A simple C# class library to help manage running a queue of tasks without relinquishing control.

New in v1.0.x

  • Initial release

Feedback or Issues

Encounter a bug? Think of a way this library could be even better? Please file an issue here!

Test App

Please refer to the Test project for a full example of how to exercise the class library.


using TaskHandler;

TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue();      // allow up to 32 concurrent tasks
TaskQueue queue = new TaskQueue(16);    // allow up to 16 concurrent tasks

  Guid.NewGuid(),                       // unique identifier
  "Task 1",                             // name for the task
  new Dictionary<string, object>(),     // any metadata you like!
  delegate(CancellationToken token) {   // your task in form of Action<CancellationToken>
  	Console.WriteLine("Task 1 starting!");
  	Console.WriteLine("Task 1 ending!");

  Guid.NewGuid(),                       // unique identifier
  "Task 2",                             // name for the task
  new Dictionary<string, object>(),     // any metadata you like!
  delegate(CancellationToken token) {   // your task in form of Action<CancellationToken>
  	Console.WriteLine("Task 2 starting!");
  	Console.WriteLine("Task 2 ending!");

Console.WriteLine(queue.RunningCount);  // Integer, the number of running tasks
queue.Stop([guid]);                     // Cancel a specific task
queue.Stop();                           // Cancel all tasks

For Control Freaks

queue.Logger = Console.WriteLine;       // For debug messages
queue.OnTaskAdded += ...                // When a task is added
queue.OnTaskStarted += ...              // When a task starts
queue.OnTaskFinished += ...             // When a task finishes
queue.OnTaskFaulted += ...              // When a task faults
queue.OnTaskCanceled += ...             // When a task is canceled
queue.OnProcessingStarted += ...        // When the task queue is started
queue.OnProcessingStopped += ...        // When the task queue is stopped

Run a Task with a Timeout

string result;

CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = tokenSource.Token;

// task without cancellation token and no return value 
Func<Task<string>> task = async () =>
  return "Hello, world!";

result = await TaskRunWithTimeout.Go(task, 2500, tokenSource); // "Hello, world!"

// task with cancellation token and return value
Func<CancellationToken, Task<string>> task = async (CancellationToken token) =>
  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) // wait 2.5 seconds in total
    await Task.Delay(100);
    token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // check for cancellation
  return "Hello, world!";

result = await TaskRunWithTimeout.Go(task(token), 500, tokenSource); // throws TimeoutException
result = await TaskRunWithTimeout.Go(task(token), 5000, tokenSource); // "Hello, world!"

// task with cancellation token, input parameter, and return value
Func<string, CancellationToken, Task<string>> task2 = async (string text, CancellationToken token) =>
    return text;

result = await TaskRunWithTimeout.Go(task2("hello world", token), 2500, tokenSource);

Version History

Please refer to CHANGELOG.md for version history.