Repository that contains my initial attempt at getting into 42 Silicon Valley
This repository will be divided into attempted days and weekend projects at 42.
- Day00 - Rigor and Unix
- Day01 - Rigor and Unix
- Day02 - First day of C
*ex00 = ft_print_alphabet.c
*ex01 = ft_print_reverse_alphabet.c
*ex02 = ft_print_numbers.c
*ex03 = ft_is_negative.c
*ex04 = ft_print_comb.c
*ex05 = ft_print_comb2.c
*ex06 = ft_putnbr.c - Day03 - Second day of C
*ex00 = ft_ft.c
*ex01 = ft_ultimate_ft.c
*ex02 = ft_swap.c
*ex03 = ft_div_mod.c
*ex04 = ft_ultimate_div_mod.c
*ex05 = ft_putstr.c
*ex06 = ft_strlen.c
*ex07 = ft_strrev.c
*ex08 = ft_atoi.c
*ex09 = sort_int_tab.c - Day04 - Third day of C - Recursion
*ex00 = ft_iterative_factorial.c
*ex01 = ft_recursive_factorial.c
*ex02 = ft_iterative_power.c
*ex03 = ft_recursive_power.c
*ex04 = ft_fibonacci.c
*ex05 = ft_sqrt.c
*ex06 = ft_is_prime.c
*ex07 = ft_find_next_prime.c - Day05 - Fourth day of C - The Standard Library in C
*ex00 = ft_putstr.c
*ex01 = ft_putnbr.c *ex02 = ft_atoi.c
*ex03 = ft_strcpy.c
*ex04 = ft_strncpy.c
*ex05 = ft_strstr.c
*ex06 = ft_strcmp.c
*ex07 = ft_strncmp.c
*ex08 = ft_strupcase.c
*ex09 = ft_strlowcase.c
*ex10 = ft_strcapitalize.c
*ex11 = ft_str_is_alpha.c
*ex12 = ft_str_is_numeric.c
*ex13 = ft_str_is_lowercase.c
*ex14 = ft_str_is_uppercase.c
*ex15 = ft_str_is_printable.c
*ex16 = ft_strcat.c
*ex17 = ft_strncat.c - Day06 - Fifth day of C - Passing Arguments From the Command Line
*ex00 = ft_putchar.c | ft_putstr.c | ft_strcmp.c | ft_strlen.c | ft_swap.c |
*ex01 = ft_print_program_name.c
*ex02 = ft_print_params.c
*ex03 = ft_rev_params.c
*ex04 = ft_sort_params.c - Day07 - Sixth day of C - Using pointer functions
*ex00 = ft_strdup.c
*ex01 = ft_range.c
*ex02 = ft_ultimate_range.c
*ex03 = ft_concat_params.c - Day08 - Seventh day of C - Learning Macros *Pdf is the only thing in this directory
- Day09 - Eighth day of C - 24 hour challenge. *Pdf is the only thing in this directory
- Day10 - Ninth day of C - Using makefiles
*src = ft_putchar.c | ft_putnbr.c | ft_putstr.c | ft_strcmp.c | ft_strlen.c | ft_swap.c
*ex00 = Makefile
*ex01 = ft_foreach.c
*ex02 = ft_map.c
*ex03 = ft_any.c
*ex04 = ft_count_if.c
*ex05 = ft_is_sort.c
*ex06 = Makefile | ft_do_op.c | ft_atoi.c | ft_puchar.c | ft_putnbr.c | ft_strlen.c | main.c - Day11 - 10th day of C - Linked lists
*ex00 = ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
*ex01 = ft_list_push_back.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
*ex02 = ft_list_push_front.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
*ex03 = ft_list_size.c | ft_list_push_front.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
*ex04 = ft_list_last.c | ft_list_push_back.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
*ex05 = ft_push_params.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h - Day12 - 11th day of C - More makefiles and Macros
*ex00 = Makefile | ft_putchar.c | ft_putstr.c | main.c - Day13 - 12th day of C - Binary Trees
*ex00 = btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
*ex01 = btree_apply_prefix.c | btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
*ex02 = btree_apply_infix.c | btree_apply_prefix.c | btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
*ex03 = btree_apply_suffix.c | btree_apply_infix.c | btree_apply_prefix.c | btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
- Rush00 - Displaying customized grids with different sizes
*ex00 = ft_putchar.c | rush00.c | rush01.c | rush02.c | rush03.c | rush04.c | main.c - Rush01 - Create a Sudoku solver that takes in valid inputs to solve for unknowns and displays them on a grid
*ex00 = ft_lib.h | ft_sudoku.h | ft_putstr.c | ft_solve.c | ft_print_board.c | ft_read_args.c | ft_strlen.c | ft_putchar.c | ft_seventeen.c | ft_success.c | main.c - Rush02 - Using Rush00; Obtaining the input from the command line and accurately identifying which Rush grids would be able to support the input.
*Includes = ft_h.h
*Functions = input.c | lane_inspector.c | output.c | rush2.c | verifi.c
*References = ft_atoi.c | ft_putnbr. c | ft_putstr.c | rush00.c | rush01.c | rush02.c | rush03.c | rush04.c - BSQ - Program that finds the biggest square in a given map and displays the biggest square found
- Solo00_Sastantua - To recreate the majestic pyramids of Sastantua at any given size of pyramid depth - *Exec is in Repo
- Solo01_Match - To identify if two words can be matched using wild cards '*'
*ex00 = match.c
*ex01 = nmatch.c