
Repository that contains my initial attempt at getting into 42 Silicon Valley

Primary LanguageC


Repository that contains my initial attempt at getting into 42 Silicon Valley

This repository will be divided into attempted days and weekend projects at 42.

  1. Day00 - Rigor and Unix
  2. Day01 - Rigor and Unix
  3. Day02 - First day of C
    *ex00 = ft_print_alphabet.c
    *ex01 = ft_print_reverse_alphabet.c
    *ex02 = ft_print_numbers.c
    *ex03 = ft_is_negative.c
    *ex04 = ft_print_comb.c
    *ex05 = ft_print_comb2.c
    *ex06 = ft_putnbr.c
  4. Day03 - Second day of C
    *ex00 = ft_ft.c
    *ex01 = ft_ultimate_ft.c
    *ex02 = ft_swap.c
    *ex03 = ft_div_mod.c
    *ex04 = ft_ultimate_div_mod.c
    *ex05 = ft_putstr.c
    *ex06 = ft_strlen.c
    *ex07 = ft_strrev.c
    *ex08 = ft_atoi.c
    *ex09 = sort_int_tab.c
  5. Day04 - Third day of C - Recursion
    *ex00 = ft_iterative_factorial.c
    *ex01 = ft_recursive_factorial.c
    *ex02 = ft_iterative_power.c
    *ex03 = ft_recursive_power.c
    *ex04 = ft_fibonacci.c
    *ex05 = ft_sqrt.c
    *ex06 = ft_is_prime.c
    *ex07 = ft_find_next_prime.c
  6. Day05 - Fourth day of C - The Standard Library in C
    *ex00 = ft_putstr.c
    *ex01 = ft_putnbr.c *ex02 = ft_atoi.c
    *ex03 = ft_strcpy.c
    *ex04 = ft_strncpy.c
    *ex05 = ft_strstr.c
    *ex06 = ft_strcmp.c
    *ex07 = ft_strncmp.c
    *ex08 = ft_strupcase.c
    *ex09 = ft_strlowcase.c
    *ex10 = ft_strcapitalize.c
    *ex11 = ft_str_is_alpha.c
    *ex12 = ft_str_is_numeric.c
    *ex13 = ft_str_is_lowercase.c
    *ex14 = ft_str_is_uppercase.c
    *ex15 = ft_str_is_printable.c
    *ex16 = ft_strcat.c
    *ex17 = ft_strncat.c
  7. Day06 - Fifth day of C - Passing Arguments From the Command Line
    *ex00 = ft_putchar.c | ft_putstr.c | ft_strcmp.c | ft_strlen.c | ft_swap.c | libft_creator.sh
    *ex01 = ft_print_program_name.c
    *ex02 = ft_print_params.c
    *ex03 = ft_rev_params.c
    *ex04 = ft_sort_params.c
  8. Day07 - Sixth day of C - Using pointer functions
    *ex00 = ft_strdup.c
    *ex01 = ft_range.c
    *ex02 = ft_ultimate_range.c
    *ex03 = ft_concat_params.c
  9. Day08 - Seventh day of C - Learning Macros *Pdf is the only thing in this directory
  10. Day09 - Eighth day of C - 24 hour challenge. *Pdf is the only thing in this directory
  11. Day10 - Ninth day of C - Using makefiles
    *src = ft_putchar.c | ft_putnbr.c | ft_putstr.c | ft_strcmp.c | ft_strlen.c | ft_swap.c
    *ex00 = Makefile
    *ex01 = ft_foreach.c
    *ex02 = ft_map.c
    *ex03 = ft_any.c
    *ex04 = ft_count_if.c
    *ex05 = ft_is_sort.c
    *ex06 = Makefile | ft_do_op.c | ft_atoi.c | ft_puchar.c | ft_putnbr.c | ft_strlen.c | main.c
  12. Day11 - 10th day of C - Linked lists
    *ex00 = ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
    *ex01 = ft_list_push_back.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
    *ex02 = ft_list_push_front.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
    *ex03 = ft_list_size.c | ft_list_push_front.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
    *ex04 = ft_list_last.c | ft_list_push_back.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h | main.c
    *ex05 = ft_push_params.c | ft_create_elem.c | ft_list.h
  13. Day12 - 11th day of C - More makefiles and Macros
    *ex00 = Makefile | ft_putchar.c | ft_putstr.c | main.c
  14. Day13 - 12th day of C - Binary Trees
    *ex00 = btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
    *ex01 = btree_apply_prefix.c | btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
    *ex02 = btree_apply_infix.c | btree_apply_prefix.c | btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile
    *ex03 = btree_apply_suffix.c | btree_apply_infix.c | btree_apply_prefix.c | btree_create_node.c | ft_btree.h | main.c | Makefile

Collaborative group work

  1. Rush00 - Displaying customized grids with different sizes
    *ex00 = ft_putchar.c | rush00.c | rush01.c | rush02.c | rush03.c | rush04.c | main.c
  2. Rush01 - Create a Sudoku solver that takes in valid inputs to solve for unknowns and displays them on a grid
    *ex00 = ft_lib.h | ft_sudoku.h | ft_putstr.c | ft_solve.c | ft_print_board.c | ft_read_args.c | ft_strlen.c | ft_putchar.c | ft_seventeen.c | ft_success.c | main.c
  3. Rush02 - Using Rush00; Obtaining the input from the command line and accurately identifying which Rush grids would be able to support the input.
    *Includes = ft_h.h
    *Functions = input.c | lane_inspector.c | output.c | rush2.c | verifi.c
    *References = ft_atoi.c | ft_putnbr. c | ft_putstr.c | rush00.c | rush01.c | rush02.c | rush03.c | rush04.c
  4. BSQ - Program that finds the biggest square in a given map and displays the biggest square found

Solo projects

  1. Solo00_Sastantua - To recreate the majestic pyramids of Sastantua at any given size of pyramid depth - *Exec is in Repo
  2. Solo01_Match - To identify if two words can be matched using wild cards '*'
    *ex00 = match.c
    *ex01 = nmatch.c