
Contract Management

Primary LanguageJava

Contract Management


In the world of capital projects, many organizations have the need to formally manage the financial terms of the contracts that they enter into. It is a direct and straightforward way to get a sense of how much money has been spent on a project, and how much money is expected to be received by the organization performing the work. Typically, this area is called Contract Management.

Contract managers have several areas of interest:

  • Budgets (how much money did I expect to spend/receive)
  • Commitments (how much money have I committed to spending/receiving)
  • Forecasts (how much money in the future will I have to spend/receive)
  • Payments (how much money has actually left/arrived in my bank account)

The combination of these items is sufficient to get a sense of the performance of the project from a financial perspective.

This project is implemented using a framework called Dropwizard which bundles together the following tools:

  • Jetty for an HTTP Server
  • Jackson for serialization
  • Jersey for a REST framework
  • Hibernate for ORM
  • Liquibase for migrations
  • Mustache for view templating

The user interface is comprised of:

  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap



Please ensure you have the following installed:

  • Java 1.8
  • Maven 3
  • Git
  • An IDE (IntelliJ IDEA preferred - Community Edition is fine)


After cloning this repository, run the application as follows from your terminal:

cd /path/to/repository

# First build the application
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

# Migrate the database
java -jar target/contract-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar db migrate src/main/resources/app.yml

# Run the application from the command line
java -jar target/contract-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server src/main/resources/app.yml

You should now be able to view the application by visiting http://localhost:9090/