
Automatic Notion workspace backup to Google Drive, Dropbox, pCloud, Nextcloud or to your local machine.

Primary LanguageJava


example workflow name

⚠️ Notion changed their API around 12.2022 which broke the automatic login requests made by this tool to extract the token_v2.

To solve this new limitation, you need to copy the value of the token_v2 cookie manually (see How do I find all these values? for more info).

Automatically backup your Notion workspace to Google Drive, Dropbox, pCloud, Nextcloud or to your local machine.

Set Credentials

Create a .env file with the following properties (How do I find all these values?):

# Make sure not to use any quotes around these environment variables

# Notion (Required)
# Options: markdown, html (default is markdown)
# Create folders for nested pages? Options: true, false (default is false)
# Should export comments? Options: true, false (default is true)

# Google Drive (Optional)
# Provide either secret json or the path to the secret file

# Dropbox (Optional)

# Nextcloud (Optional)

# pCloud (Optional)

# if you don't use the Docker image and want to download the backup to a different folder 
# DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_PATH=<absolute-folder-path>

Backup to Cloud With Docker

Once you created your .env file, you can run the following command to start your backup:

docker run \
    --rm=true \
    --env-file=.env \

The downloaded Notion export file will be saved to the /downloads folder within the Docker container and the container will be removed after the backup is done (because of the --rm=true flag).

If you want automatic backups in regular intervals, you could either set up a cronjob on your local machine or fork this repo and let GitHub Actions do the job.

Local Backup With Docker

If you want to keep the downloaded files locally, you could mount the /downloads folder from the container somewhere on your machine:

docker run \
    --rm=true \
    --env-file=.env \
    -v <backup-dir-absolute-path-on-your-machine>:/downloads \

If you want automatic backups in regular intervals, you could either set up a cronjob on your local machine or fork this repo and let GitHub Actions do the job.

Fork (GitHub Actions)

Another way to do automated backups is using GitHub Actions. You can simply:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create repository secrets: Go to notion-backup (your forked repo) > Settings > Secrets > Actions and create all the necessary environment variables.
  3. Go to notion-backup (your forked repo) > Actions to see the workflows and make sure the notion-backup-build-run workflow is enabled. This is the workflow which will periodically build and run the application.
  4. You can adjust when the action will be triggered by editing the schedule > cron property in your notion-backup/.github/workflows/build-run.yml workflow file (to convert time values into cron expressions: crontab.guru).

That's it. GitHub Actions will now run your workflow regularly at your defined time interval.



If you get the exception: com.dropbox.core.BadResponseException: Bad JSON: expected object value., then try to re-generate your Dropbox access token and run the application again.


If you get the exception: com.pcloud.sdk.ApiError: 2094 - Invalid 'access_token' provided., please also make sure that the PCLOUD_API_HOST environment variable is correct. There are currently two API hosts: one for Europe (eapi.pcloud.com) and one for the rest (api.pcloud.com). If you still get the error, please try and regenerate the access token as described in the pCloud section of the documentation.