
a group of Rust projects from tutorials

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Tutorials

Rust installation

Ubuntu usage quick reference

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh  # installation
source $HOME/.cargo/env  # configure current shell
rustc --version  # check rust version
cargo --version  # check cargo (Rust's package manager) version
cargo build  # build the project
rustup update  # update rust

setup directory

mkdir ~/rustprojects  # make a rust directory
cd ~/rustprojects
mkdir testdir  # make a dir for test code

add some code

cd testdir
vi main.rs  # create test app
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");

compile & run the code

rustc main.rs  # compile test app
./main  # run test app

Alternative Rust build & Run using Cargo

cargo new hello-world  # create and setup and new project (like 'go mod init')
cargo run  # build and run the code

Uninstall Rust

rustup self uninstall  # uninstall rust

NOTE: be sure to run cargo build after adding dependencies in the Cargo.toml file

Project Group A

Based on this video series

1. First test project "Hello, Rustaceans!"


aaron@ubuntu-mini:~/rustprojects/akhil-first-proj$ cargo run
   Compiling akhil-first-proj v0.1.0 (/home/aaron/rustprojects/akhil-first-proj)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.62s
     Running `target/debug/akhil-first-proj`
< Hello, fellow rustaceans! >
        \) /  o o  \ (/
          '_   -   _'
          / '-----' \

2. Rust variables and mutability (mut)

Variables in Rust are immutable unless defined using the mut keyword.

3. Scope and Shadowing

4. Destructuring

5. Data Types

Rust compression

Compress a file to zip


Rust decompression

Decompress a file // extract a zip file into its original dir structure
