
Minimal starter kit app for building GPT-enabled web extensions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GPT Custom

GPT Custom (working title) is a web extension that enables you to easily experiment with a webpage's content and GPT prompts.

I find this useful in a number of use cases where I'm reading content, but want to ask something about it, summarise it, or otherwise synthesise it in an interesting way.

It's also a great starting point for building your own web extension powered by GPT.

Minimal starter kit


Follow these simple steps to get started with GPT Custom development:

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/jckw/gpt-custom.git
cd gpt-custom
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Start the development server:
yarn dev

Upon successful execution, the dist/ folder will be created.

  1. Load the extension into your browser:

    • Open the Extension Management page by navigating to chrome://extensions in your Chrome browser.
    • Enable Developer Mode by toggling the switch located at the top right corner.
    • Click the Load unpacked button and select the dist/ folder that was created in the previous step.
  2. Start hacking!

Now you're all set to dive into the code in src/. Any changes you make will trigger an automatic reload, even for the content script.


Contributions to GPT Custom are welcome. If you have any bug fixes, new features, or improvements in mind, feel free to open a pull request.