
Unofficial, and unmaintained build of proxmox-backup-server

Primary LanguageShell

Proxmox Backup Server in a Container

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)

Docker Image Version (tag latest semver) Docker Image Version (latest semver)

This is an unofficial compilation of Proxmox Backup Server to run it in a container for AMD64 and ARM64.

Running in a container might result in some functions not working properly. Feel free to create an issue to debug those.

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Common problems

  • Some people see authentication failure using admin@pbs: Ensure that /run is mounted to tmpfs which is requirement of 2.1.x
  • Some Synology devices use a really old kernel (3.1), for such the ayufan#15 is needed, and image needs to be manually recompiled.

Pre-built images

For starting quickly all images are precompiled and hosted at https://hub.docker.com/r/ayufan/proxmox-backup-server.


docker pull ayufan/proxmox-backup-server:latest


docker-compose up -d

Then login to https://<ip>:8007/ with admin / pbspbs. After that change a password.


The core features should work, but there are ones do not work due to container architecture:

  • ZFS: it is not installed in a container
  • Shell: since the PVE (not PAM) authentication is being used, and since the shell access does not make sense in an ephemeral container environment
  • PAM authentication: since containers are by definition ephemeral and no /etc/ configs are being persisted


See Releases.


1. Add to Proxmox VE

Since it runs in a container, it is by default self-signed. Follow the tutorial: https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/pve-integration.html.

You might need to read a PBS fingerprint:

docker-compose exec server proxmox-backup-manager cert info | grep Fingerprint

2. Add a new directory to store data

Create a new file (or merge with existing): docker-compose.override.yml:

version: '2.1'

      - backups:/backups

    driver: local
      type: ''
      o: bind
      device: /srv/dev-disk-by-label-backups

Then, add a new datastore in a PBS: https://<IP>:8007/.

3. Configure TZ (optional)

If you are running in Docker it might be advised to configure timezone.

Create a new file (or merge with existing): docker-compose.override.yml:

version: '2.1'

      TZ: Europe/Warsaw

4. Allow smartctl access

To be able to view SMART parameters via UI you need to expose drives and give container a special capability.

Create a new file (or merge with existing): docker-compose.override.yml:

version: '2.1'

      - /dev/sda
      - /dev/sdb
      - SYS_RAWIO

5. Persist config, graphs, and logs (optional, but advised)

Create a new file (or merge with existing): docker-compose.override.yml:

version: '2.1'

    driver: local
      type: ''
      o: bind
      device: /srv/pbs/etc
    driver: local
      type: ''
      o: bind
      device: /srv/pbs/logs
    driver: local
      type: ''
      o: bind
      device: /srv/pbs/lib

Install on bare-metal host

Docker is convienient, but in some cases it might be simply better to install natively. Since the packages are built against Debian Buster your system needs to run soon to be stable distribution.

You can copy compiled *.deb (it will automatically pick amd64 or arm64v8 based on your distribution) from the container and install:

cd /tmp
docker run --rm ayufan/proxmox-backup-server:latest tar c /src/ | tar x
apt install $PWD/src/*.deb

Recompile latest version or master

You can compile latest version or master with a set of commands and push them to the registry.

# build v1.0.5
make all-build VERSION=v1.0.5

# build master
make all-build

# build and push to registry v1.0.5
make all-push VERSION=v1.0.5 REGISTRY=my.registry.com/pbs

# build and push to registry v1.0.5
make all-push REGISTRY=my.registry.com/pbs

# make the given version latest
make all-latest VERSION=v1.0.5

Build on your own

make dev-build

It builds on any platform, which can be: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, etc. Wait a around 1-3h to compile.

Then you can push to your registry:

make dev-push

Or run locally:

make dev-shell
make dev-run

You might as well pull the *.deb from within the image and install on Debian Bullseye.


This is just built by Kamil Trzciński, 2020-2023 from the sources found on http://git.proxmox.com/.