
Match Arabic words to pictures in this memory game for Arabic learners

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  1. Github links

Repo: https://github.com/jclark1913/Meme-Generator Deployment: https://jclark1913.github.io/Memory-Game/

  1. Background

My wife is a language teacher who uses a lot of memory games in her classroom and encouraged me to try and make a tool she could see herself using. To win the game, players match the Arabic word with the corresponding animal.

(For non-Arabic speakers: the animal's name is in the 'data-animal' attribute of the 'card-wrapper' div. You can cheat by using dev tools!)

  1. Known issues
  • Not at all mobile friendly nor responsive for different screen sizes.
  • Styling could use a bit of work.
  1. Possible future features
  • A difficulty slider to set the size of the grid/# of cards
  • A larger set of vocabulary (currently only 10 pairs are chosen randomly, but it is possible to add more animals)
  • A drop-down menu for choosing other sets of vocabulary (not just animals)