
Implementation of LZW compression algorithm

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This program implements the Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression algorithm and provides an encoder as well as a decoder.

Created as a Univ. of Helsinki TiraLabra 2017 course project.


  • GCC 4.4/Clang 3.3 or newer
  • CMake 3.1 or newer
  • Google Test for tests (optional, untick MAKE_TESTS option in CMake to disable)


Use cmake or cmake-gui to generate makefiles. Run make or your build system of choice to build.


On *nix

git clone https://github.com/jclc/tiralabra-compression.git
cd tiralabra-compression
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..

This will compile the program in tiralabra-compression/build/


tiracomp [options] <input file> [output file]

Uncompressed files will be compressed and compressed files are detected as such and are uncompressed.

If output file is not given, output will be printed to stdout.


Switch Parameter Description
-h Print help message
-v Verbose output - Print file information and progress (don't use when writing to stdout)
-b Benchmark mode - Print execution time in milliseconds
-w word size Define code word size in bits when encoding (either 12 or 16)
-i Print file info - Do not operate on the file, only print info
-n Null output - Discard output, useful for benchmarking without file I/O

Options can be entered separately -v -b -n, together -vbn or both -vb -n. They can also be entered before or after other arguments.

Running unit tests

If you created makefiles with MAKE_TESTS enabled, tests should have been compiled in the build/tests directory. Run tests with ctest --output-on-failure or equivalent in the build/tests directory.

Note that the tests require the test-resources directory located in the source directory to be present. The tests will fail if the directory and files within are not present.

Projektin dokumentaatio

Projektin dokumentaatio sijaitsee project-docs/-hakemistossa.